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  3. Third Hadith (Allah is Pure)

Third Hadith (Allah is Pure)

Under category : Ponder on a Hadith
1281 2020/12/30 2025/03/12
Article translated to : العربية Español

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "O people! Allah is Pure and, therefore, accepts only that which is pure. Allah has commanded the believers as He has commanded His Messengers by saying: '[Allah said],"O messengers, eat from the good foods and work righteousness. Indeed, I, of what you do, am Knowing.' (23:51) And He said: 'O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you...' (2:172). Then he (ﷺ) made a mention of the person who travels for a long period of time, his hair are disheveled and covered with dust. He lifts his hand towards the sky and thus makes the supplication: 'My Rubb! My Rubb!' But his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothes are unlawful and his nourishment is unlawful, how can, then his supplication be accepted?” [Muslim].


Pure: Exalted in His attributes, to Him belong all perfect attributes, and He is far above all shortcomings.

Accepts only that which is pure: Allah does not accept any deeds, sayings or sadaqa that are imperfect being mixed with polytheism or any lesser sins.

His hair is disheveled and covered with dust: because of traveling.

His nourishment is unlawful: His flesh is nourished by the unlawful.

The Values (32)

Aqeedah Values:

1. Some scholars deduced that (Al-Tayyib) is one of the Most Beautiful Names of Almighty Allah, but it is not agreed upon.

2. Almighty Allah is described as (Al-Tayyib) or The Pure, because He is Pure in His Essence, Attributes and Actions. He is worthy to be worshipped Alone and all deeds should be for Him Alone without any shortcoming such as pleasing any creation or for a desire.

3. Belief and monotheism (Tawheed) combines the faithful with the messengers in receiving the same commands.

4. Not every deed is accepted even if the person is sincere, because something might cause it not to be accepted such as eating something unlawful or something else.

5. Every command to the Prophet is also addressed to the ummah, unless something proves it is related only to the Prophet.

6. Every command to the ummah is also to the messenger, because he is a human like them and has to obey and fulfill the obligations unless there is something that proves it is specifically addressed to the people not the Prophet.

7. Raising hands towards the sky in supplication is a proof that The Lord is Lofty and High.

8. Allah loves the essence and meaning of His Names, He is Pure and accepts only that which is pure, All-Merciful and loves mercy, All-Forgiving and loves forgiveness.

9. Islam is free from any shortcoming, it the religion of all the creation. The first messenger of Islam is Adam, Peace be upon him, and the last messenger of Islam is Muhammad, peace be upon him.

10. The Muslim Ummah is the kind pure ummah if Muslims hang tight to Islam.

11. An act of obedience could be mixed with a sin.

12. (O messengers, eat from the good foods and work righteousness.): This is addressed to messengers to teach them what they should eat. If messengers need to learn what to eat, then those who are less than them need that even more, accordingly, people need to learn about matters that are greater than eating and drinking.

Values Related to Supplication and Answering It:

1. Traveling long time makes a person humble to Allah, which is one of the strongest reasons to answer supplication.

2. The simple look of someone might not reveal his true worth, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

"How many are there with disheveled hair, covered with dust, possessing tattered cloths and is not paid any heed. If he swears (an oath) by Allah, Allah fulfills it."

3. We should raise our hands to the sky during supplication because Allah is Modest and Generous, and would never turn the hands of a slave without gain when he raises them to Him (in supplication).

4. We should be persistent in calling on Allah by mentioning His Lordship, this is one of the greatest reasons for answering supplication.

5. The greatest reason for supplication to be answered is (being humble, needy and submissive to Almighty Allah), yet there are poor people with tattered clothes and they eat unlawfully so their supplication does not get answered, and there are rich people who eat lawfully and Allah answers their supplication.

6. Eating lawfully is a reason for supplication to be answered.

7. It is allowable and recommended to use the vocative particle (ya) while calling on Almighty Allah (Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi) “Oh my Lord, Oh my Lord”, yet in most Quranic verses the vocative particle is omitted to indicate the nearness of Allah to the caller

“When My servants ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me.” (Qur’an: 2: 186)

8. The prayer of the one who has been wronged is not rejected even if the caller is a disbeliever, impious or disobedient.

9. Saying (Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi) “Oh my Lord, Oh my Lord” indicates nearness, invocation and seeking refuge in Allah which are reasons for answering supplication.

Generic Values:

1. Eating from the lawful provisions is an act of worship commanded by Allah.

2. Wearing unlawful clothes is mentioned as an example of eating from the unlawful things, this indicates that consuming the good things is not limited to food, it includes everything that a person may use in his life, everything should come from a good lawful source.

3. Whoever indulges himself in unlawful food and drinking shall fall into other unlawful things; the flesh which has grown from the unlawful only feeds on and enjoys the unlawful.

4. Seeking provision and good lawful things are among the customs of the messengers and righteous, Almighty Allah says: “…eat from the good foods and work righteousness…” Unlike the practice of monasticism and lack of work.

5. Dangers of feeding children from the unlawful because that leads them to become astray as grownups, they become ongoing bad deeds for their fathers. Some scholars explain the statement “nourishment is unlawful” as feeding during childhood.

6. The Commander is Pure, The Almighty, and the commanded are pure, such as the messengers and the believers. Those who do good and pure acts shall be rewarded with good pure things, Almighty Allah promises the obedient with a good life:

“Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, We will surely bless them with a good life.” (16: 97)

7. Almighty Allah calls the messengers to follow the commands, this signifies that the messengers should be the first to follow the message or command they are calling people for.

8. Allah calls the people which means addressing humanity not only Muslims, so the disbelievers should be informed by the Islamic laws.

9. Even though a person may seem to follow or reflect the outer image of worship, yet he might fail in fulfilling the essence of worship by eating and drinking unlawful food, which is the result of unlawful transactions or stolen money.

Dawah Values

1. Education should be through setting an example.

2. The exclamation sentence is one of the educational methods such as “how can, then his supplication be accepted?”

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