1. Articles
  2. 6-Some of the Prophet's Ethical Manners
  3. Servning himself

Servning himself

6186 2008/04/23 2025/02/22
Article translated to : Deutsch

the messenger of allah, may allah exalt his mention, would serve himself: a'ishah, with whom allah is pleased, said:

'i was asked how the messenger of allah, may allah exalt his mention, behaved in his house.' she said: 'he was like any man; he washed his clothes, milked his sheep, and served himself.'                         (ahmed 24998)

the prophet's excellent manners, not only made him serve himself; rather, he would serve others as well. a'ishah, with whom allah is pleased, said:

'i was asked how the messenger of allah, may allah exalt his mention, behaved in his house.' she said: 'he would help out in the house with the daily chores, and when he heard the adthan he would leave for the masjid.' (bukhari 5048)

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