Saving the Best for the Last
during the time of the prophet some of the companions would attempt to fast without a break for food and drink between fasts, in order to make the most of the fleeting days of ramadhaan. however, the prophet
forbade them from that and said: "whoever likes to continue fasting without a break, let him do so until a short while before dawn only." [al-bukhaari] they reduced their food to only one meal during that short time, to make up for both the iftaar and suhoor, with the intention to dedicate all their time to allaah the almighty, obtain solace with him and seek his forgiveness. they would take account of their deeds and words, rectify their relationship with their lord, engage in those means which qualify one to win the reward of the lord, and witness the night of al-qadr.
consider how they insisted on continuing the fast without a break until the messenger of allaah
did that with them for two days, till the new moon appeared. this indicates that he used to fast continuously without a break during the last ten days, when one becomes close to the mercy of allaah the almighty and attains emancipation from hell. he would fast day and night, and refrain from food and drink, simply to dedicate all his time and effort to prayer, worship and standing (in prayer), so that allaah the almighty would see him in that very state. he did so until when he would come out to perform the ‘eed prayer, he would break his fast with a few dates, as we have seen in his sunnah (prophetic tradition).