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  3. The Delegation of Tujib

The Delegation of Tujib

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1357 2018/04/17 2025/03/10

Among the delegations that came was one from Tujib, a branch of the Kinda tribe. They were Muslims, and brought with them money left over from paying Zakaah so that it could be distributed to other needy Muslims. The Prophet expressed happiness at seeing them and held them in high esteem. Abu Bakr looked at the delegation admiringly and said, “No such Arab delegation has ever come to us.”


The Prophet remarked: “Guidance lies in Allah’s hands. When He ordains good for someone, He simply opens that person’s heart and fills it with faith.”


The people from Tujib showed great eagerness to learn more about Islam. They applied themselves to memorising the Qur’an and the Sunnah (the Prophet’s teachings, sayings and practices). Eventually, the time of their departure approached, and the Prophet gave them many farewell gifts. Then he asked if anyone among them had been overlooked. They replied that they had left a boy in the camp, and he was the youngest among them. “So send him too, the Prophet said.


When the boy came to the Prophet , he said: “O Prophet, I belong to the same tribe which visited you a short while ago, and you gave them all they needed. Now I ask you give me what I need.”


“What is it that you need?” the Prophet asked. “Pray that Allah forgives me, shows me mercy, and puts richness in my heart.” The Prophet prayed to Allah for the young boy, who thus left Madinah more contented than all his tribesmen. Later, during the period of apostacy when many Muslims reverted to paganism, the boy not only remained firm in his faith, but exhorted his people to remain good Muslims.


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