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2583 2008/09/28 2025/03/04





jesus for jews only

these twelve jesus sent forth, and commanded them saying,
go ye not into the way of the gentiles,
1 and into any city of the samaritans enter ye not: but go ye rather unto the lost sheep of the house of israel.

(holy bible) matthew 10:5-6

1 gentiles: non-jews

not for dogs

and behold a woman of canaan 1 came ... and cried unto him saying, have mercy on me ... my daughter is seriously possessed with a devil.

but he answered her not a word.

and his disciples came and begged him, saying. send her away: for she crieth after us.

but he answered and said, i am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel.

but she came and knelt before him, saying. lord, help me.

but he answered her and said, it is not fair to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs. 2

(holy bible) matthew 15:22-26

1. mark 7.26 says that the woman was a greek.

2. meaning non-jews.

it goes to the credit of this jewish prophet, that he practised what he preached. in his lifetime he never converted a single gentile (non-jew). and of his hand-picked elect (his twelve disciples), he made sure that they belonged to his tribe so that his other prophecy might find fulfilment: "when the son of man (jesus pbuh referring to himself) shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye (the disciples) also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of israel" (matthew 19: 28).

no new religion

2 "law": the word in the arabic text here is "taurat." (heb. "torah.")

the messiah was no mealy-mouthed messenger among the jews. like his predecessors amos and ezekiel or isaiah and jeremiah, he was trenchant in his condemnation of jewish formalism and hypocrisies. his novel approach and militant preaching had created certain misgivings amongst the religious hierarchy. the scribes and the pharisees came to him again and again to test him as to his bona fides (his genuineness).

to allay their suspicions that he had brought no new fangled religion, and that his was the confirmation of all the teachings that had gone before him. he says —

think not that i am come to destroy the law (hebrew - torah), or the prophets: i am come not to destroy, but to fulfil.

for verily i say unto you. till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law (torah), till all be fulfilled.

whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

holy bible matthew 5: 17-19

compare this phrase "confirming the law (which came) before me" - these seven words at the beginning of this section with the three verses of matthew above, and you will not fail to note that there is no wordiness in the qur'anic diction. it conveys god's message concisely, with clarity and precision.

"the father1 of truth chooses his own prophets, and he speaks to them in a voice stronger than the voice of thundery

sayed amir ali in "the spirit of islam. "

1. father: the use of the word "father" in relation to god was cut out from islam owing to the perversion of the idea among christians.

the qur'an had come to confirm, correct and complete divine revelation, or whatever was left of it in unworthy hands.


the good news


i will not apologise, nor am i called upon to apologise for reproducing here verbatim (a word for word) commentary on the word "ahmed," from abdullah yusuf ali's english translation. but before i do that permit me to pay a fitting tribute to the king fahd holy qur'an printing complex in al-madinah ai-munawarah which is turning out millions of holy qur'ans in many different languages.

their reason for using yusuf ali as a base for their reproduction is summed up in these words:

"a number of individuals have in the past ventured to translate the qur'an, but their works have generally been private attempts, greatly influenced by their own prejudices. in order to produce a reliable translation free from personal bias, a royal decree (no, 19888, dated 16/8/1400 ah) was issued by the custodian of the two holy mosques, king fahd ibn abdul aziz, at that time the deputy prime minister - the translation of the late ustadh abdullah yusuf ali was consequently chosen for its distinguishing characteristics, such as a highly elegant style, a choice of words close to the meaning of the original text, accompanied by scholarly notes and commentaries."

the presidency of islamic researches, lfta, call and guidance

out of over six thousand profound explanatory notes in yusuf ali's translation, the following is just one of three explaining the prophecy in the words of jesus (pbuh) regarding the advent of muhummed (pbuh) the messenger of god.
note no: 5438:


"ahmed", or "muhummed", the praised one, is almost a translation of the greek word periclytos. in the present gospel of john 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7, the word "comforter" in the english version for the greek word "paracletos", which means "advocate", "one called to the help of another, a kind friend", rather than "comforter". our doctors contend that paracletos is a corrupt reading for periclytos and that in the original saying of jesus there was a prophecy of our holy prophet ahmed by name. even if we read paraclete, it would imply to the holy prophet, who is "a mercy for all creatures" (h.q. 21:107) and "most kind and merciful to the believers" (h.q. 9:128) see also note 416 to h.q. 3:81.




thus concludes (ayat) verse 6 of (sura) chapter 61 under discussion. "the prophet of islam was foretold in many ways; and when he came he showed forth many clear signs, for his whole life from beginning to end was one vast miracle. he fought and won against odds. without learning from men he taught the highest wisdom. he melted hearts that were hard, and he strengthened hearts that were tender and required support. in all his sayings and doings men of discernment could see the working of god's hand;" yet the sceptics called it sorcery — jugglery — magic!

forger and juggler! no, no! this great fiery heart, seething, simmering like a great furnace of thoughts, was not a juggler's.
thomas carlyle, page 88 in his book -
"heroes and hero-worship"

and they called his miraculous fulfilment of prophecy magic, jugglery, enchantment — that which became the most solid fact of human history — islam!



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