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Dthikr revives the heart.

519 2020/04/05
Dthikr revives the heart.

In our current days, many people complain about the stiffness of their hearts due to their busyness with this worldly life, and thus their hearts do not pay the appropriate attention to the remembrance of Allāh. In fact life of the heart and tranquility cannot be achieved except with the remembrance of Allāh.

In a Hadeeth reported in Saheeh Il-Bukhāriy, Abu Moussa Al-Ash‘ariy (ABPWH) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said,

“One who remembers his Lord compared to one who does not remember his Lord, is like the living compared to the dead.” In Muslim’s narration, “A house in which Allāh’s name is remembered compared to a house in which Allāh’s name is not remembered, is like the living compared to the dead.”

(Al-Bukhāriy no. 6407, Muslim no. 779)

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