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  2. His Guidance in Wudhu' (Ablution)

His Guidance in Wudhu' (Ablution)

Auther : Dr. Ahmad bin Uzman al-Mazyad
Under category :
434 2022/04/28 2025/02/23
Article translated to : العربية Español Português Indonesia

He ﷺ usually made ablution for every prayer, although he might at times perform many prayers with one ablution.

For ablution, he ﷺ used one measure of water or two thirds of it or sometimes slightly more.

He ﷺ used ablution water with utmost care and warned his followers not to use water excessively.

He ﷺ used to wash his limbs sometimes once, sometimes twice or three times, but never exceeded three times.

He ﷺ sometimes used to rinse out his mouth and nose with one handful of water and sometimes two or three, and he ﷺ would wash his mouth and nose together.

He ﷺ used his right hand for taking in water and his left hand for expelling it.

He ﷺ never made ablution without rinsing his mouth and nose

He ﷺ used to wipe over all of his head and often move his hands back and forth.

When he ﷺ wiped over his forehead, he completed by including his turban.

He ﷺ wiped the internal and external parts of his ears along with his head.

He ﷺ washed his feet when he was not wearing slippers or socks.

His ablution was in sequence and uninterrupted, and he never did otherwise.

He ﷺ would begin his ablution with "Bismillah" and conclude it by saying:

“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

O Allah, make me of those who continually repent and of those who continually purify themselves."

He also said: “ O Allah, You are worthy of all glory and praise. I bear witness that there is no god but You. I seek Your forgiveness and  repent to You.”

Neither he nor any of his companions ever said at the beginning: "I intend to remove impurity to perform prayer."

He ﷺ never washed above the elbows and the ankles.

It was not his custom to dry his limbs.

He ﷺ sometimes rubbed the water into his beard, but not always.

He ﷺ often washed between his toes, but not always.

He ﷺ did not expect someone to pour water for him while making ablution; he usually poured it himself, but sometimes another
would help him when needed.

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