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  2. How He treated them?
  3. He (PBUH) would advise some new Muslims to hide their conversion if he feared harm for them

He (PBUH) would advise some new Muslims to hide their conversion if he feared harm for them

Auther : Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid
Under category : How He treated them?
238 2024/03/02 2025/02/05
Article translated to : العربية

Abu Tharr (a Companion) narrated

“I was a person from the tribe of Ghifaar and the news reached us that a man had emerged in Makkah claiming to be a Prophet. I said to my brother, ‘Go to this man and speak to him, then come to me with his news.’ So he went and met him, then came back. I said: ‘What do you have?’ He said: ‘I saw him commanding good and forbidding evil.’ I said: ‘You have not satisfied me enough with this news.’ So I took a pouch and stick and went out to Makkah. I did not know him, but I disliked asking anyone about him. I drank from the water of Zamzam and sat in the mosque. ‘Ali ibn Abu Taalib (the Prophet’s cousin and the fourth Caliph) passed by me and said: ‘It is as if this man (referring to me) is a stranger.’ I said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Come to my house.’ So I went with him, and he did not ask me about anything nor did I tell him. When I woke up I went to the mosque to ask about him, but no one told me anything about him. ‘Ali passed by me again and said: ‘Shouldn’t the man know his home by now? (i.e. my house is like yours)’ I said: ‘No.’ He said: ‘Come with me.’ So I went with him, and he did not ask me about anything nor did I tell him. On the third day, ‘Ali did the same thing but then asked me, ‘Will you not tell me your story and why you came to this town?’ I said: ‘If you keep it a secret, I will inform you.’ He said: ‘I will.’ I said: ‘I have come to know that a man has emerged here claiming to be a prophet. I sent my brother to speak to him, but he came back with news that did not satisfy me. So I wanted to meet him myself.’ ‘Ali said: ‘You have been guided, for he is the truth and he is the Messenger of Allah. In the morning, follow me until I enter where he is. If I see someone that might harm you, I will stand by the wall as if I am fixing my sandal and you go ahead.’ So he went and I followed him, until we reached the Prophet of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. I said: ‘Offer Islam to me.’ So he offered it to me, and I became Muslim in that place. He, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said to me: ‘O Abu Tharr, keep this a secret and return to your town. When you hear we are victorious, then come back.’ I said: ‘By the One who has sent you with the truth, I will announce it at the top of my voice amongst them!’ I went to the mosque while the Quraysh were in it, and I said: ‘O Quraysh, I bear witness that no one is worthy of being worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.’ They said: ‘Attack this apostate!’ They stood up and nearly beat me to death. ‘Abbaas (the Prophet’s uncle) saved me by saying: ‘Woe to you! Will you kill a man from Ghifaar and your trade and path are through them?’ At which they left me alone. When I woke up the next day, I returned and said the same thing as the previous day. They beat me like the previous day and ‘Abbaas saved me and said the same thing he had said 

Reported by Al-Bukhaari (3522) and Muslim (2473)

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