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  3. The prophecy was corroborated by Jesus (pbuh)

The prophecy was corroborated by Jesus (pbuh)

3204 2010/02/09 2025/02/05

prophet jesus' (pbuh) sayings also support the prophecy of isaiah (9:6)

in the book of john (john 14:16-17): "and i will pray to the father, and he will

give you another counselor (another prophet) to be with you forever (until the

last day).";(john 15:26): "but when the counselor comes, whom i shall send

to you from the father, even the spirit of truth, who proceeds from the father,

he will bear witness to me."; (john 16:7): "nevertheless, i tell you the truth: it is

to your advantage that i go away, for if i do not go away the counselor will not

come to you; but if i go, i will send him to you..."; (john 16:12-15): "i have yet

many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. when the spirit of

truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his

own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you

the things that are to come. he will glorify me for he will take what is mine and

declare it to you."


these above verses from the bible prove one thing that jesus (pbuh)

expected someone to continue his unfinished mission (the worship of one true

god), whom jesus (pbuh) called "eli" or "elio" in his aramaic language which

corresponds to "elohem" for the jews and "allah" for the arabs (muslims). he

anticipated the advent of a counselor and spirit of truth like him whose words

are true (coming from god), but not the holy ghost as claimed by authorities of

the churches. the one who would come is a man like jesus (pbuh) with flesh

and bones, a prophet like him not the spirit of a different nature, which cannot

be seen.


since the christians claimed that the holy ghost is one of trinity,

whom they believed to be one of the godhead, then their argument that this

spirit of truth is the same as the holy ghost is untenable. john (16:12-15)

above clearly explained the spirit of truth as one who is dependent on god. the

words "for he will not speak on his authority but whatever he hears he will

speak" meant nothing more then a subservient servant who is going to fulfill his

master's (god's) will and he can never be god, for god is a master unto



further, jesus (pbuh) said, that the spirit of truth will foretell and

glorify him by taking his message from his unfinished mission and teach it to

the people. all the above sayings were inspired by god and all were fulfilled by

prophet muhammad (pbuh).


again, the contents of the qur'an came from allah through the agency

of angel gabriel; the circumstances and the manner how muhammad (pbuh)

received it has a profound resemblance with the prophecy in isaiah (29:12):

"and when they give the book (scroll) to one who cannot read", saying "read

this", he says, "i cannot read". it means that he will not speak of his own

authority, but whatever he hears he will speak. and when jesus (pbuh) said, "he

will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you," becomes all

the more decisive, in that, the message of prophet muhammad (pbuh) was in no

way different message but the same in essence, intent and purpose as the

previous messages which call for the worship of the only true god (allah).

further, jesus (pbuh) was glorified in the qur'an by his name "jesus" 25 times

and that the whole chapter 19 of the qur'an is names after his mother "mary".

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