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More Fabricated Ahaadeeth

Under category : Correcting Misunderstandings
4912 2011/07/17 2025/02/10
Article translated to : Español


1 on the authority of 'abdullaah ibn 'abbaas (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"umrah with regards to hajj is like the head to the rest of the body, and (it is also like) zakaah with regards to fasting."

it is found in musnad al-firdows of ad-daylamee. al-albaanee graded it dha'eef jiddan (very weak) in dha'eef jaami'i as-sagheer (#3893).

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2 on the authority of umm salamah (radhiyallaahu 'anhaa), the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"severe sneezing and loud yawning are from the shaytaan."

it was collected by ibn as-sunnee and al-albaanee called it dha'eef (weak) in dha'eef jaami' as-sagheer (#3866).

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3 on the authority of 'abdullaah ibn 'abbaas (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"seeking knowledge for one hour is better than standing to pray the whole night, and seeking knowledge for an entire day is better than fasting for three whole months."

it was collected by ad-daylamee in musnad al-firdows. al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) in dha'eef

jaami' as-sagheer (#3624).

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4 on the authority of 'abdullaah ibn 'abbaas (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"the one who loans money has authority over

the borrower until he pays the debt back."

it was collected by ibn maajah. al-albaanee called it dha'eef jiddan (very weak) in dha'eef sunan ibn maajah (#525 & #2425).

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5 on the authority of 'alee (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"the most virtuous people in the masjid are the imaam, the mu'ath-thin, and those to the right of the imaam."

it was collected by ad-daylamee in musnad al-firdows. al-albaanee called it dha'eef (weak) in dha'eef jaami' as- sagheer (#1042).

6 it has been reported that the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"verily allaah has said, 'i was a treasure that no one knew about, so i created the creation so they would know me. so by way of me, they know me.' "

ibn taymiyyah called this narration "laa asla lahu (baseless)." see his majmoo' al-fataawaa (18/122) and saleem al-hilaalee's silsilaul -ahaadeeth al-latee laa asla lahaa (1/17).

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7 it has been reported that the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"allaah has said, 'neither my sky nor my earth could countain me, but the heart of my believing servant can contain me.' "

this baseless narration is from the great mistakes of al-ghazaalee in ihyaa' 'uloom ad-deen (3/15). ibn taymiyyah called it "laa asla lahu (baseless)." (8/122, 8/376) see silsilatul-ahaadeeth al-latee laa asla lahaa (1/19) of saleem al-hilaalee.

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8 it has been reported that the messenger of allaaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever knows himself, then surely he knows his lord."

this narration is laa asla lahu (baseless). this was an-nawawee's verdict in al-fataawaa (p.178), as well as as-suyootee's in thayl al-mawdhoo'aat (p.203), and ibn taymiyyah's in his fataawaa (16/349). see saleem al-hilaalee's silsilatul-ahaadeeth allatee laa asla lahaa (1/26).

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9 it has been reported that the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"the scholars of my nation are like the prophets of the children of israel."

this report has no basis by agreement of the scholars. see silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#466) of al-albaanee.

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10 on the authority of 'aa'ishah (radhiyallaahu 'anhaa), the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever prays 20 rak'ahs between maghrib and 'eshaa', allaah will build a house for him in paradise."

it was collected by ibn maajah (1/414). al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) due to the presence of ya'qoob ibn waleed in the chain. al-imaam ahmad said about him, "he was from the greatest liars and he used to invent narrations." see silsilatul-

ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#467).

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11 on the authority of 'abdullaah ibn 'umar (radhiyallaahu 'anhumaa), the messenger of allaah

(sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"no one should travel by sea except one intending hajj or 'umrah, or someone fighting in allaah's way.

for verily there is a fire beneath the ocean, and beneath that fire is an ocean."

it was collected by aboo daawood (1/389). al-albaanee called it munkar (weak and contradictory) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#478).

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12 on the authority of waathalah ibn al-asqa' (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu

'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever fears allaah, allaah will make everything afraid of him; whoever does not fear allaah, allaah will make him afraid of everything."

it was collected by al-qhadhaa'ee (2/36). al-albaanee called it munkar (weak and contradictory) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid- dha'eefah (#485).

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13 on the authority of aboo hurayrah (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), he said that a group of people

came to the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) asking him if faith increases and decreases.

he (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) replied:

"eemaan is something firm in the heart of a believer, to believe that it increases or decreases is disbelief."

it was collected by ibn hibbaan in ad dhu'afaa' (2/103). this is a

mawdhoo' (fabricated) narration that goes against the qur'aan (see 48:4 for example), as mentioned by al-albaanee in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#464).

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14 it has been reported that the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"the greeting for the house (the ka'bah) is tawaaf."

this is a baseless narration ("laa asla lahu") as exposed by many of the great scholars of hadeeth. see silsilatul-ahaadeeth allatee laa asla lahaa (1/107) of saleem al-hilaalee.

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15 it has been reported that the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"i am the most eloquent of those who speak

with the dhaad (those who speak 'arabic)."

ibn katheer said regarding this narration, "it is baseless," (tafseer ibn katheer 1//32), as did ash-showkaanee, as-suyootee and others, while agreeing on the correctness of the meaning. see silsilatul-ahaadeeth al-latee laa asla lahaa (1/50).

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16 on the authority of ibn 'abbaas (radhiyallaahu 'anhumaa), the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever sins while laughing will enter the hellfire crying."

it was collected by aboo nu'aym (4/96). al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#17).

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17 it has been reported that the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"his (allaah's) knowledge of my situation is sufficient, rather than me asking."

this baseless narration contradicts the qur'aan (40:60 for example), as pointed out by al-albaanee in silsilatul-ahaadeethid- dha'eefah (#21).

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18 on the authority of 'aa'isha (radhiyallaahu 'anhaa), the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu

'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever slept after 'asr, his intellect has been taken away, so let him not blame anyone except his own self."

it was collected by ibn hibbaan in ad-dhu'afaa' (1/283). al-albaanee graded it dha'eef (weak) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#39).

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19 on the authority of 'abdullaah ibn 'umar (radhiyallaahu 'anhumaa), the prophet (sallallaahu

'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"one prayer performed while wearing an 'imaamah equals 50 prayers without one. one

jumu'ah prayer with an 'imaamah equals 70 jumu'ah prayers without one. verily the

angels attend the jumu'ah prayer wearing 'imaamahs, and they do not stop praying for

those who wear 'imaamahs until the sun sets."

it was collected by ibn an-nujjaar. al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#127).

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20 on the authority of jaabir ibn 'abdillaah (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu

'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"two rak'ahs performed while wearing an 'imaamah is better than 70 rak'ahs with no 'imaamah."

it was collected by as-suyootee in al-jaami' as-sagheer, originally from aboo nu'aym. al-imaam ahmad called it a lie, see silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#128).

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21 on the authority of aboo hurayrah (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"whoever narrates something, and someone near him sneezes, then it is true."

this narration is baatil (falsehood) as found in tammaam's al-fawaa'id (2/148). see silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#136).

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22 on the authority of 'alee (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"get married and do not divorce, for the throne (of allaah) shakes due to divorces."

it was collected by al-khateeb al-baghdaadee in his taareekh baghdaad (12/191). al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#147).

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23 on the authority of aboo hurayrah (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"i am an 'arab, the qur'aan is in 'arabic, and the language of the people of paradise is 'arabic."

this narration was collected by at-tabaraanee in al-mu'jam al-awsat (2/285). al-albaanee called it mawdhoo' (fabricated) in silsilatul-ahaadeethid-dha'eefah (#161).

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24 on the authority of anas ibn maalik (radhiyallaahu 'anhu), the messenger of allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"verilly everything has a heart, and the heart of the qur'aan is soorah yaa-seen. so whoever reads it, it is as if he has read the

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