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  3. Invocations for someone who has put on new clothes

Invocations for someone who has put on new clothes

2886 2011/12/17 2025/03/11

"تُبْلِي وَيُخْلِفُ اللهُ تَعَالَى".

7. tublee wa yukhliful-laahu ta'aalaa.

may allah replace it when it is worn out.

reference: abu dawud 4/41. see also al-albani sahih abu dawud 2/760.

"الْبَسْ جَدِيداً، وَعِشْ حَمِيداً، وَمُتْ شَهِيداً".



8. ilbas jadeedan, wa 'ish hameedan, wa mut shaheedan.

put on new clothes , live a praise-worthy life and die as a martyr.

reference: ibn majah 2/1178, al-baghawi 12/41. see also al-albani, sahih ibn majah 2/275

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