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  2. History of the Sunnah at the Time of the Prophet
  3. 1- At the time of the Prophet PBUH

1- At the time of the Prophet PBUH

1985 2013/03/24 2025/03/29

Muslims were, early on, aware of the significance of the Sunnah and its authority. They, one generation after the other, were keen to preserve the Sunnah because they saw that as a part of the preserving of the last revelations man is ever to receive. Their efforts were unabated, and the remarkable job they did is unparalleled in the experience of any other religion or civilization.

One of the main reasons behind this is the fact that the Prophet clearly taught the Companions  the importance of his Sunnah, its place in Islam and their role in saving it, teaching and conveying it to others around them and to those who would come after them. In so doing, he  followed an effective methodology, which will be briefly outlined below:

1.      He  emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge and teaching it to others. He  said: "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female)." [Ibn Maajah] Also, he  said: "Whosoever pursues a path to seek knowledge therein, Allaah will thereby make easy for him a path to Paradise. No people gather together in one of the houses of Allaah (mosques), reciting the Book of Allaah and studying it among themselves, without tranquility descending upon them, mercy enveloping them and angles surrounding them, and Allaah making mention of them to those (angels) who are with Him." [Muslim]

2.      He  always had a center for teaching. Most of the time, it was the mosque.

3.      He  was soft in his dealings and always facilitated things and made them easy for others. He  was merciful and humble and made himself readily available.

4.      He  never pushed people into anything. Instead, he gradually taught them and led them to change. He  always motivated them to follow his example and be their best.

5.      He  would not continuously teach or work with them, but he would give them enough breaks to avoid overstressing or boring them.

6.      He  spoke plainly and clearly and he  talked to people at their level of understanding and intellectual ability. Whenever appropriate, he  spoke to people in their own dialect for the Arabs had different dialects.

7.      He  used the method of repetition. He  would repeat whatever he wanted to stress for three times to insure that all heard him properly and clearly understood what he  was saying.

8.      When questioned, he  would give more than what is expected as an answer and use the occasion to further clarify things for all, and teach about other things.

9.      Whenever the Prophet  had to choose between two ways, he  chose the easier way, which had facility and mercy if there was nothing forbidden in that, and he  kept away from the difficult and harsh ways.

10.  He  attached special attention to teaching the women and provided them special times for questions. He  encouraged them to ask and learn.

11.  He  used to do his best in everything, and he  perfected whatever he did, thus setting an example for others.


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