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Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1073 2018/04/03 2024/12/27

When the Moon Split’, is based on Arabic sources and was originally written in Urdu. The translators were thus confronted with an arduous task of working with three different languages involving different narrative techniques. Rendering ‘When the Moon Splits’ into English entailed more than a simple translation of the text.

It required the adaptation of a text with its unique cultural framework to the standard narrative conventions of another culture. At the same time, the translators were required to adhere to the outline of standard Arabic biographies of the Prophet Limited by the narrative boundaries that define such biographies, our modest goal was to produce a text accessible to those who are somewhat familiar with the life of the Prophet .

Nevertheless, many readers may find certain concepts, terms or even certain events difficult to comprehend. We recommend using a good reference book on Islam or Islamic history to clarify passages that appear obscure. Those who have read other biographies of the Prophet , may find ‘When the Moon Split’ unique in that it is a straightforward account of the Prophet’s life, based on what Muslim scholars and historians regard as the most accurate and reliable sources. No attempt has been made to “modernise” the Prophet by emphasising certain of his qualities that are currently fashionable, nor by omitting or justifying anything that would be considered “politically incorrect” by some contemporary readers.

Unfortunately, many Muslims have written about the Prophet’s life in English as apologists, hoping to appeal to a somewhat sceptical audience. Professor Mubarakpuri wisely resists offering such justifications and explanations. The Prophet , after all, transcends time and culture. It is not necessary to recreate him again and again for different audiences and different times because his greatness is apparent in any context. The truth 13 of his message and mission will endure, and the following pages are a testimony to this fact. Michael Richardson & Tabassum Siraj – Jeddah 1998


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