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Twelve chiefs

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1506 2018/04/11 2025/03/10


After everyone had taken the oath of allegience, the Prophet asked the people to select twelve men who would be responsible for the affairs of the community. Nine members of the Khazraj tribe were chosen along with three from the Aus tribe.


The nine Khazraj chiefs were Sa’d bin Ubada bin Daleem, Asad bin Zurara bin Ads, Sa’d bin Rabi’a bin Amr, Abdullah bin Rawaha bin Thulba, Rafi bin Malik bin Ajlan, Baraa bin Marur bin Sakhar, Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram, Ubada bin Samit bin Qays, and Mundhir bin Amr bin Khanis. The three chiefs from the Aus tribe were Usayd bin Hudhayr bin Samak, Sa’d bin Khathima bin Harith, and Rifaah bin Abdul Mundhir bin Zubayr (other sources mention Abdul Haytham bin Al-Tayhan as well).


After these twelve were elected, the Prophet said to them, “You are like the apostles of Isa [Jesus] . You are responsible for the community [in Yathrib] while I am the caretaker of the entire body of Muslims.”


Just as the people were about to disperse, a strange voice was heard calling out: “O men of the camp! Will you not deal with Muhammad? Right now disbelief has prevailed and he and his followers are preapring to fight you.” The Prophet knew that it was a demon speaking. He called back, “O enemy of Allah! Soon I will deal with you.” The Prophet then told the Muslims to return quietly to their beds as day was about to break.


 The next morning, the Quraysh, having heard a rumour about the pledge at Aqabah, went to the Yathrib camp to protest against what had happened. They resented their visitors’ patronage of someone they deemed to be an outcast, and voiced their displeasure about any contact between the contingent from Yathrib and the Prophet . The polytheists of Yathrib, who knew nothing of the event, insisted nothing had taken place, while the Muslims kept silent. The Quraysh reluctantly accepted the polytheists’ reassurance and returned home.


Later however, the Quraysh found out that the rumour was in fact true. Infuriated, they sent their horsemen to apprehend any who took part in the pledge, and at Adhaker they captured Sa’d bin Ubada and Mundhir bin Amr. While Mundhir bin Amr managed to escape, Sa’d was bound and taken to Makkah. The Muslims from Yathrib planned to raid Makkah in order to free their brother Muslim. Before they could carry out their plans, however, Sa’d was freed by two Makkans, Mut’im bin Adiy and Harith bin Harb, whose caravans Sa’d had protected in Yathrib. Sa’d rejoined the others, and they all returned home safely.ext.”

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