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Muhammad didn’t know that he would be a Prophet

Under category : Muhammad Pocket Guide
672 2021/01/20 2025/03/05

Muhammad didn’t know that he would be a Prophet: He led an ethical and ordinary life. He was known for his fidelity, integrity and trustworthiness. He never worshipped idols when idol worship was rife in a polytheistic society.

He always believed that the whole universe must have been created and controlled by one God. He used to worship God by retreating to a cave (634m above sea level) on a mount 4 km east of Mecca (Makkah).

The cave is known as Hira cave which is on a mount called "Jabal Al Noor" (i.e. Mount of light). This is because Muhammad received the first revelation from God when he was meditating in this cave.

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