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  3. He,(PBUH)warned them against harming thebelievers

He,(PBUH)warned them against harming thebelievers

Auther : Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid
Under category : How He treated them?
195 2024/07/29 2024/07/29
Article translated to : العربية

Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar (a Companion) narrated:

‘ “The Messenger of Al- lah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ascended the pulpit and called aloud saying: “O you who have believed with your tongues, but [real] faith has not found its way to your hearts, do not harm the believers, do not belittle or reprimand the believers and do not seek to expose their hidden mis- takes. Whoever tries to search or expose the mistakes which are hidden and private of his fellow Muslim, Allah will expose his hidden mis- takes, and whoever Allah does this to him, Allah would expose him even within the corner of his own home.””1

This means that Allah will expose him even if he was hiding in his own house;

Allah Says (what means):

«Indeed, those who like that immorality [unlawful sexual relations] should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows [the hidden aspects of all things: what is beneficial and what is harmful] and you do not know.»

[Quran: 24:19]

An example of their harm to the believers is the following narration;

Abu Mas’ood Al-Badri (a Companion) narrated:

“The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, commanded us to spend in charity, and we were laborers who were hired to carry people’s belongings for a fee and would spend from our wages or spend all our wages. Abu ‘Aqeel spent half a Saa’ (a measure of weight equals approximately 3 kg), and another person donated slightly more than him. The hypocrites said: ‘Allah is not in need for the charity of this man, and the second person donated only to show off.

t this, Allah revealed the fol- lowing verse (which means)A:

«Those who criticize the contributors among the believers concerning [their] charities and [criticize] the ones who find nothing [to spend] except their effort, so they ridicule them, Allah will ridicule them, and they will have a painful punishment»

[Quran: 9:79]”2

They (the hypocrites) criticized the believers who spent little money saying that Allah does not need their insignificant contribution and ac- cused those who spent more of showing off. This is how hypocrites are; they always accuse the believers, cast doubts about them and question the intentions of anyone who does something good.


  1.  Reported by At-Tirmithi (2032). 
  2.  Reported by Al-Bukhaari (4668) Muslim (1018).

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