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  2. The Civilized Principles in the Prophet's Biography
  3. The Best Civilized Principles and the Noblest Human Feelings

The Best Civilized Principles and the Noblest Human Feelings

21866 2008/01/27 2025/03/26


after such a quick journey through the biography of the prophet (pbuh) through which we have reviewed some of the aspects of his perfection and the signs of his beauty, such aspects and signs which hold evidence that the most magnificent values of civilization and the noblest of human feelings are clearly manifested in the biography of our noble prophet (pbuh). such conclusions were proven by both the facts of history and the rulings of the shariah. we have chosen to deal with such a small portion of his biography which is related to his marriage, jihad and merits because such points were a cause of suspicion around his noble character. otherwise, the rest of the sides of his life are as important.

this is a summary of the results that i have reached to, i put it down asking for allah’s satisfaction and for history’s record, asking allah the almighty to guide the humanity which is lost in the darkness of atheism, polytheism, oppression, terrorism and decadence to the lights of belief, monotheism, security, happiness, goodness and rationality.

1)      the muslims believe that muhammad (pbuh) is allah’s messenger and the last sent prophet and that he is a human just like them. however, he is the most perfect in creation and character and that he has the highest stature with allah the almighty .


2)      the performance of allah’s messenger (pbuh) of his necessary human functions like eating, drinking and marriage isn't but a proof of his complete humanity which is neither a flaw nor does it degrade his high stature with allah the almighty .


3)      the pure biography of allah’s messenger (pbuh) is considered a school for all humanity from which all people of any kind and race and of any level of the society can reproduce what guides them to success in their endeavors.


4)      the true reason for the polygyny of allah’s messenger (pbuh) are based on great intentions and sublime purposes which are represented in what we mentioned earlier in the decrees of the shariah, the educational, social and political rulings.


5)      the purpose of the jihad of allah’s messenger (pbuh) was to uphold the word of allah the almighty and spreading his religion and liberating the peoples of the earth from oppression and persecution.


6)      because of the nobleness of his aims and the sublimity of his purposes in jihad he had never used any unjust (unclean) means in his fights with his enemies and foes.


7)      his mercy was encompassing of all: the honest, the dissolute, the believer, the atheist, the little and the elder. it even encompassed all creatures, stones, trees and animals.


8)      allah’s messenger (pbuh) was respectful of the sacred places of the others and caring for the treaties drawn between him and the others. he had never violated any of such treaties unless with people who had themselves breached the sanctities of allah the almighty and his messenger (pbuh), or with people who have no respect for neither consanguinity nor treaty towards a believer, or with people who wanted to betray him.


9)      allah the almighty had granted his messenger (pbuh) the beauty of the appearance and the character to make people love him and to make them find intimacy in dealing with him alive and in dealing with the biography later.


10)     in addition to all this, he was modest through all his conditions and practical in all his matters. he never faked any of his sayings or actions, on the contrary he was natural in all his traits and merits peace be upon him.


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