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  2. The Promised Prophet of the Bible -Dr. Mounquedh Bin Mahmoud As-Saqâr
  3. Jacob's Prophecy About Shilon

Jacob's Prophecy About Shilon

Article translated to : العربية Español

the prophets continued to give prophecies about the coming of the final prophet. they mentioned his description and his attitudes. the most important description is that he is not from the children of israel. he brings a law that lasts forever, crushes his enemies and his message will be for the good of all nations.

these descriptions did not exist in anyone who claimed the prophet-hood except him. the christians admit that these were prophecies but they could not attach them to anyone other than muhammad (pbuh). moses and jesus (pbut) were prophets sent only to the children of israel. moses had a rite and his followers were victorious over their enemies. jesus did not come with a new law or rite, as he came to fulfill the law of moses. he said, "do not think that i have come to abolish the law or the prophets; i have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (matthew: 5/17) he did not defeat his enemies; moreover, the christians claim that his enemies had captured him and crucified him. how can they say that he is the chosen who will crush his enemies and be the one expected by nations?

the oldest clearly written prophecy that talks about the final prophet comes in jacob's will to his sons before he died. when he said to them: "the scepter shall neither depart from judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the people be." (genesis: 49/10) he was telling them about the time in which the dominion and the statute will be removed from them at the end of days.


in the jesuit priesthood's edition, the text is as follows: "judah will hold the royal scepter, and his descendants will always rule. nations will bring him tribute and bow in obedience before him. "

according to jonathan’s translation, the passage is clearer:

"neither the kings and rulers nor the rabbis will stop from judah’s family nor does his offspring till the messiah king, his younger child, come.” 1


the translations differ in three of words in the text, some have exchanged the word "bar" with the king or the scepter, and both have the same meaning. the word "ruler" was replaced with “planner”, “disposer”, or “swagger stick”. the meaning for all these words is close to the meaning of the phrase “with a rite who disposes his people.”

the most important difference in these words is about the word "shilon" which was kept as it is by most of the translations. in other hebrew translations, appears like: "until the messiah comes". the priest ibrahim luka interpreted "shilon" as the messiah, and he considered it a correct translation of the hebrew word "shiloh", [שִׁילֹה]. the american edition of the holy bible, mentions it as a footnote that the word "shilon" means: safety, or the one who has.

thus, we ask, what is the exact meaning of the word (shilon)?

in answering this question, abdul alahad dawood, the ex-priest and scholar in ancient languages, sees that the word "shilon" in its hebrew origin has different meanings; the following are the most important ones:

1)      it  derive from an assyrian word that consists of the two words "bsheta" and "lowh". the first "bsheta” means "he" or "the one" and the second "lowh" means "his". according to his interpretation, the meaning of the prophecy becomes “the forecasted kingdom seal will not be taken from judas until the arrival of the person that the seal belongs to, and to him the nations will submit".

2)     it may be an alteration of the word "shelwah" which means "the messenger of god", as an exception, the word is also used for the divorced wife because she is sent away. saint jerome preferred interpreting the word as the message, so he translated the phrase “he who was sent". 1

whatever the meaning is the prophecy talks about a person and calls him “shilon”, it does not talk about the place "shilon" as claimed by some interpreters, so who is shilon?

what was said about the kingdom vanishing did not mean to eliminate it, but it is the elimination of the right to have it from god, because taking the kingdom from the jews was not consistent with the appearance of a prophet, whomsoever this prophet was, what was meant, was the elimination of the selection and blessing.

no one can say that shilon is moses, because the kings of judas came centuries after him. no one can say he is solomon, because the kingdom continued after him, represented in his offspring and the statute was not lifted after him, as it was not lifted with jesus (pbuh) who did not neither came to revoke the statute nor the nations did submit to him. not even the nation of judea to whom he was sent, as he said, "he answered, “i was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of israel." (matthew: 15/24).

jesus (pbuh) was never, even for one day, a king of the children of israel. he escaped from them when they wanted to make him their king “perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself." (john: 6/15).

before pilate, when the jews accused him that he called himself a king, he denied it, and he talked about a spiritual kingdom metaphorically, not a real one. "jesus answered, “my kingdom is not of this world. if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that i might not be delivered over to the jews. but my kingdom is not from the world." (john: 18/36).

this prophet, who was called “shilon”, could not have been from the children of israel, because his arrival ends the scepter and the law of israel as understood from the text, so who is shilon?

he is the prophet whom hagar and abraham gave prophecies about “he shall be a wild donkey of a man; his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen." (genesis: 16/12), and he is the one the prophet ezekiel said about him: “a ruin, ruin, ruin i will make it. this also shall not be, until he comes, the one to whom judgment belongs, and i will give it to him." (ezekiel: 21/27).

jesus (pbuh) said about the one who will destroy all the laws with his law: "do not think that i have come to abolish the law or the prophets; i have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. for truly i say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished." (matthew: 5/17-18). he "the one that has it all" is "the one that has the rule".



he is the prophet, who was called "the perfect" by paul and that only with his coming, the law will be invalid." but love never ends. as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. because we know in part, and we prophesy in part. but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away." (corinthians 1: 13/8-10).

1 evidence that requires a verdict, by josh mcdowell (175)

1 muhammad in the holy bible, by: abdul al-ahad dawood (77-85, 182), and the holy bible's dictionary (536).

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