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Mukhtasar Sirah al-Nabi
his uncles and aunts
he (saw) had eleven uncles:
1. al-hārith who was the oldest son of `abdu’l-muţţalib and it was after him that he took his honorific. a large group of his children and grandchildren were companions.
2. qutham, he passed away in infancy.
3. zubayr, one of the nobles of the quraysh. his son was `abdullāh ibn zubayr who fought in the battle of hunayn alongside the prophet (saw). he was martyred at ajnādayn and it is reported that he was found at the side of seven people that he had killed, who had fought him.
4. hamzah, the lion of allāh and his messenger and his foster brother. he accepted islām early on, migrated to madīnah and witnessed the battle of badr. he was martyred at the battle of uhud and had but one daughter.
5. abū al-fadl al-`abbās, he accepted islām and migrated to madīnah. he was older than the prophet (saw) by three years and of his sons three were companions: al-fadl, `abdullāh and qutham. he died in madīnah during the rule of `uthmān. only al-`abbās and hamzah of his (saw) uncles accepted islām
6. abū Ţālib, his name was `abd-manāf. he was born Ţālib who died as a disbeliever; `aqīl, ja`far, `alī and umm hānī’ all of who were companions. umm hāni’s name is fākhitah and it is also said hind. jumānah is also mentioned as one of his children.
7. abū lahb, his name is `abdu’l-`uzzah. he was given this agnomen by his father because of his handsome features. of his children were `utbah and mu`tab who fought with the prophet (saw) at hunayn and durrah who was also a companion. he also had utaybah who was killed by a lion at zarqā’, syria, as a disbeliever as supplicated by the messenger of allāh (saw).
8. `abdu’l-ka`bah.
9. hajl, whose name was al-mughīrah.
10. darār
11. ghaydāq, he was given this name because he was the most generous of the quraysh and the most prolific in feeding the poor.
he had six aunts:
1. Şafiyyah. she accepted islām and undertook the hijrah. she was the mother of zubair ibn al-`awām and died in madīnah during the rule of `umar ibn al-khaţţāb.
2. `Ātikah. it is said that she accepted islām and she is the one who had the dream about the battle of badr.[1] she gave birth to `abdullāh who was a companion and zuhayr and quraybah.
3. arwā, she was born Ţulayb ibn `umayr who was from the first muhājirūn. he was present at badr and was martyred at ajnādayn and he had no children.
4. umaymah, she was born `abdullāh who was martyred at uhud; abū ahmad who was blind and a poet; zaynab the wife of the prophet (saw); habībah and hamnah - all of whom were companions; and `ubaydullāh who accepted islām and then became christian in abysinnia, dying as a disbeliever.
5. barrah, who was born abū salamah `abdullāh, he was the husband of umm salamah before the prophet (saw).
6. umm hakīm who was known as al-baydā’ (the white woman). she was born arwā ibn kurayz who was the mother of `uthmān ibn `affān (ra).
his wives
the first wife of the messenger of allāh (saw) was khadījah bint khuwaylid ibn asad ibn `abdu’l-`uzzah ibn quşayy ibn kilāb. he married her at the age of twenty-five and she remained with him to see the day that allāh, mighty and magnificent, commissioned him. she was a truthful and sincere partner and died three years before the hijrah according to the most correct opinion. it is also said that she died five or four years before the hijrah.
then, after her death and before the hijrah, he married sawdah bint zama`ah ibn qays ibn `abd-shams ibn `abd-wadd ibn nadr ibn mālik ibn hisl ibn `Āmir ibn lu’ayy. before him she was married to sakrān ibn `amr, the brother of suhayl ibn `amr. she grew old while married to him and gifted her day to `Ā’ishah.
he (saw) married `Ā’ishah bint abū bakr al-Şiddīq two years before the hijrah, it is also said three years. she was at that time six years old according to the most correct opinion and it is also said that she was seven. the marriage was consummated after the hijrah when she was nine years old. the prophet (saw) passed away when she was eighteen years old and she passed away at madīnah and was buried at al-baqī` according to her wishes in the year 58h or 57h; the first is more correct. her funeral prayer was led by abū hurayrah. she was the only virgin that the messenger of allāh (saw) married; her honorific was umm `abdullāh. it is reported that she had a miscarriage but this is not authentic.
he (saw) married hafşah bint `umar ibn al-khaţţāb (ra). before him she was married to khunays ibn hudhāfah, one of the companions who died at madīnah after having been present at badr. it is reported that the prophet (saw) divorced her[2] and that jibrīl (as) came to him saying, “allāh orders you to take her back, for she is devout, given to fasting and your wife in paradise.”[3] `uqbah ibn `Āmir al-juhanī reports that, ‘the messenger of allāh (saw) divorced hafşah and this reached `umar. he threw dust on his head and said, “what would allāh have to do with `umar and his daughter after this?” the next day jibrīl came to the prophet and said, “allāh, mighty and magnificent, orders you to take back hafşah,” out of mercy for `umar.’[4] she passed away in the year 27h or 28h, the year of conquest of afrīqiyyah.
he (saw) married umm habibāh bint abū sufyān, her name is ramlah bint Şakhr ibn harb ibn umayyah ibn `abd-shams ibn `abd-manāf. she migrated with her husband, `ubaydullāh ibn jahsh, to abyssinia where her husband became a christian and she remained firm upon islām. the messenger of allāh (saw) married her while she was still in abyssinia and najāshī gave her a dowry of four hundred dīnārs on his behalf. the messenger of allāh (saw) sent `amr ibn umayyah to abyssinia to propose to her on his behalf and `uthmān ibn `affān acted as her legal guardian (walī). she died in the year 44h.
he (saw) married umm salamah, her name is hind bint abū umayyah ibn al-mughīrah ibn `abdullāh ibn `umar ibn makhzūm ibn yaqadhah ibn murrah ibn ka`b ibn lu’ayy ibn ghālib. she was previously married to abū salamah `abdullāh ibn `abdu’l-asad ibn hilāl ibn `abdullāh ibn `umar ibn makhzūm. she passed away in the year 62h and was buried at al-baqī` being the last of his wives to pass away; it is also said that maymūnah was the last.
he (saw) married zaynab bint jahsh ibn ri’āb ibn ya`mar ibn Şabirah ibn murrah ibn kabīr ibn ghanam. she was the daughter of his paternal aunt, umaymah ibn `abdu’l-muţţalib. she was previously married to his freed slave, zayd ibn al-hārithah who divorced her. allāh then married her to him, it is authentically reported that she would say to his other wives, ‘your fathers married you but allāh, from above the seven heavens, married me.’[5] she died in the year 20h and was buried at al-baqī`.
he (saw) married zaynab bint khuzaymah ibn al-hārith ibn `abdullāh ibn `amr ibn `abd-manāf ibn hilāl. she was nicknamed umm al-masākīn because of her frequently feeding of orphans. she was previously married to `abdullāh ibn jahsh according to the most correct opinion and it is also said `abdu’l-Ţufayl ibn al-hārith. he married her in the third year of hijrah and she remained with him for only two or three months before passing away.
he (saw) married juwayriyyah bint al-hārith ibn abū dirār ibn habīb ibn Ā’idh ibn mālik ibn al-muşţaliq ibn al-khuzā`iyyah. she was captured in the battle of banū al-muşţaliq and was apportioned to thābit ibn qays ibn shimās, he set a price for her freedom and this was met by the messenger of allāh (saw). he married her in the sixth year of hijrah and she died in the year 56h.
he (saw) married Şafiyyah bint huyayy ibn akhţab ibn abū yahyā ibn ka`b ibn al-khazraj al-nadariyyah, from the descendants of hārūn ibn `imrān, the brother of mūsā (as). she was captured at khaybar in the seventh year of the hijrah. she was previously married to kinānah ibn abū al-haqīq who was killed by the messenger of allāh (saw) during the battle. he (saw) set her free and appointed her freedom to be her dowry. she died in the year 30h and it is also said 50h.
he (saw) married maymūnah bint al-hārith ibn hazn ibn bujayr ibn al-harim ibn ruwaybah, the maternal aunt of khālid ibn al-walīd and abdullāh ibn `abbās. he (saw) married her at sarif, consummated the marriage there and she also died there. sarif is a place falling nine miles from mecca. she was the last woman that he (saw) married and she died in the year 63h.
his servants
anas ibn mālik ibn an-nadr al-anşārī; hind and asmā’, the daughters of hārithāh al-aslamī; rabī`ah ibn ka`b al-aslamī; `abdullāh ibn mas`ūd who used to look after his footwear, when he stood he would put them on for him. when he sat, he would remove them and place them under his arms until he stood once again; `uqbah ibn `Āmir al-juhanī who was in charge of his mule and would lead it in journeys; bilāl ibn rabāh, the one who called the adhān; sa`d the freed slave of abū bakr al-Şiddīq; dhū mikhmar, the son of najāshī’s brother, some said his sister, it is also said he was called dhū mikhbar; bukayr ibn shaddākh al-laythī, it is also postulated that his name was bakr; and abū dharr al-ghifārī.
[1]in summary: `atikah sent for al-`abbās bin `abdu’l-muţţalib to inform him of a nightmare she had. she had seen a rider coming on a camel, he halted in the valley and cried out to the people, ‘come forth, do not leave your men to the disaster that is to come in three days!’ the people followed him to the mosque, then his camel, with him on it, mounted to the top of the ka`bah and he cried out again using the same words. then his camel mounted on top of mount `abd qubays and he cried out again. then he grabbed a rock and loosened it and it broke, not a single house remained in mecca except that a piece of that rock entered it.this dream was the reason why abū lahāb refrained from going to fight at badr. - sīrah ibn hishām [1/607]