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  3. Muhammad’s character before Prophethood

Muhammad’s character before Prophethood

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
2666 2018/04/04 2025/03/09

From childhood, Muhammad was exceptionally intelligent and chaste, and was highly regarded for his honesty, valour, justice, piety, patience, modesty, loyalty and hospitality. Abu Talib described his beloved nephew in the following words: He is fair and handsome. From his visage, mercy falls like rain. He is a shelter for the orphan and protector of widows.


Muhammad maintained good relations with his family, bore other’s burdens, and guided the destitute towards self-sufficiency.


In keeping with his future role as Allah’s Messenger, one who was to outlaw all aspects of idolatry and polytheism, Muhammad had an inherent hatred for the prevailing paganism of his time. Thus although he was an integral part of his society, Muhammad never attended any of the important festivals and fairs that revolved round idol worship and drinking. He was also careful not to eat the flesh of any animal slaughtered in the name of someone other than Allah, and avoided touching or even coming close to idols. He especially detested hearing oaths sworn upon the pagan’s two most famous idols, Lat and Uzza.

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