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  3. Letter to Chosroes (Khusro Pervez), the king of Persia

Letter to Chosroes (Khusro Pervez), the king of Persia

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
13683 2018/04/16 2025/03/08

The Prophet addressed this letter to the king of Persia: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. “From the Prophet Muhammad, to Chosroes, ruler of Persia.” “Blessed are those who follow Guidance and put faith in Allah and His Messenger. I bear witness that none is worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner, and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. I call you to Allah, as I am a Prophet sent to all mankind to warn those alive and to establish the truth in the eyes of the unbelievers. Accept Islam and you will be secure. In case you reject it, you shall bear the sin of all the Magi.”


This letter was sent through Abdullah bin Hudhayfah Sahmi to the ruler of Bahrain, who was to deliver it to Chosroes. When the letter was read out to Chosroes, he ripped it up saying, “A wretched slave among my subjects dares write his name before mine!” When the Prophet heard how Chosroes had torn up his epistle, he said, “Even so shall Allah destroy his kingdom.” His words rang true, for shortly thereafter the Persian forces tasted ignominious defeat at the hands of the Romans. Following this, Chosroes’ son, Shervah, rose up in revolt, assassinated him and seized the throne. Persia was racked by dissention and conflict until the Muslim conquest during the Caliphate of Umar bin Khattab .


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