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  3. Expedition of Saweeq

Expedition of Saweeq

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1683 2018/04/15 2025/03/08

Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan was still smarting over the defeat at Badr. He thirsted for another military encounter, one which he felt sure would go their way, and swore he would not bathe until he had fought with Muhammad again. With an army of two hundred men, he came to Madinah, seeking to acquit himself of his oath. Intent on spreading destruction, they raided a settlement named Arid, hacked and burned a number of precious date trees, and got away after killing two of the Ansar.


When the Prophet received news of the raiders, he and his followers went out in pursuit. Abu Sufyan and his men succeeded in eluding the Prophet , who pursued them until Karkarat Al- Kadr. In trying to get away swiftly, the Quraysh were forced to get rid of most of their valuable provisions, especially the corn meal, or saweeq, from which the expedition got its name.

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