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The mission begins

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1050 2018/04/04 2025/03/09

The mission begins


Muhammad accepted his duties as Prophet and Messenger with resolute obedience. He answered his Lord’s call by inviting members of his household to worship Allah in keeping with His commandments. They were to be Muslims, those who had surrendered to Allah, and their religion was Islam, the religion of peace. However, the Prophet’s compatriots were a rough people accustomed to settling their disputes with swords. They clung to idol worship because it had been the practice of their ancestors who had strayed far from pure the monotheism of Ibraheem and Isma’eel. Sensing their antagonism, The Prophet began to quietly teach those closest to him, those whose hearts he felt would be open to the truth.

The first believers

Khadeejah was the first person who believed that the husband had been chosen as Allah’s Messenger and Prophet. As his wife, she knew more than anyone else did that Muhammad was no ordinary man: his sublime character and innate morality set him apart from those he lived among. She had also heard about Allah’s final prophet who was yet to appear. She had also heard about some of the strange and miraculous events that others had witnessed concerning Muhammad . Furthermore, she had heard Waraqa say that the angel who had come to the cave of Hira was none other than Jibreel , and that this angel had brought Muhammad a revelation from Allah. Lastly, she was present at the moment Surah Al-Muddaththir was revealed. It was therefore only natural that she was the first to believe in Muhammad and his appointment as Allah’s final Messenger.

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