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Open propagation of Islam

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1360 2018/04/09 2025/03/09

The first years of the Prophet’s mission had focused on bringing the message of Islam to individuals, a discerning few among the Quraysh and other tribes had embraced Islam, but their numbers were hardly overwhelming. Now Allah ordered his Messenger to warn his kinsmen about idolatry. He was also asked to keep in his fold those who believed in the Message andto renounce ties with those who rejected his mission.


After receiving this order, the Prophet assembled his nearest kindred, the tribe of Banu Hashim, including a few people from Banu Muttalib. Addressing the gathering, he first praised and glorified Allah and bore witness to His Oneness. Then he told them:


“I am the Messenger of Allah, and have been sent to you in particular, and to all mankind in general. I swear by Allah that you will die in the same way you sleep at night, and that you will be resurrected similar to how you rise from sleep in the morning. Following this, your account will be taken from you and then your good will be paid with good, and bad with bad.”


The Prophet’s audience let him have his say. His uncle Abu Lahab was alone in saying, “Stop him before all Arabia unties against him. If you hand him over to them then, you will be put to disgrace. And if you try to save him, you will be killed.”


The Prophet’s other uncle, Abu Talib, said, “I swear by Allah that we will protect him as long as we live.” Abu Talib then told his nephew, “You try to fulfil what you have been ordered to do. By Allah, I shall always defend you, even though I prefer not to abandon the religion of Abdul Muttalib."

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