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Persecution begins (2)

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1234 2018/04/09 2025/03/10

Zinira (may Allah have mercy upon her), was a Roman slave girl who embraced Islam. When the pagans found out that she had become Muslim, they tortured her until she went blind, and gloated that the wrath of their gods Lat and Uzza had caused her to go blind. It was Allah Who had blinded her, she told them; and if He so willed, He could restore her eyesight. The next morning she awoke to find her vision completely restored. Her tormentors, however, were not convinced of the miracle and claimed this was nothing more than Muhammad’s sorcery.


Umm Abis (may Allah have mercy upon her), was a slave of Banu Zahra. She suffered at the hands of her master, Malik Aswad bin Abd Yaghuth, who began to torture her when she accepted Islam. Malik was a sworn enemy of the Prophet and used to ridicule him relentlessly.


A slave of Amr bin Mu’mil from Banu Adiy embraced Islam. Her torturer was none other than Umar bin Khattab, who at that point was still an unbeliever. Umar, famous for his strength, would beat her until she was exhausted. Then he would stop, informing her that he was stopping not out of mercy, but out of fatigue. “Your Lord will also treat you accordingly,” retorted the slave girl.


Among the slaves who embraced Islam were also Nahdiya and her daughter . These two were the slaves of a woman of Banu Abdul Dar. Mother and daughter suffered punishment on account of their faith until Abu Bakr bought them from their mistress and set them free, just as he had done with Bilal, Amir bin Fuhayrah and Abu Faqih . His use of his wealth in this manner earned him reproof with his father, Abu Quhafa, who told him, “I notice that you are freeing weak heads. Had you freed strong men, they would stand you in good stead.” In reply, Abu Bakr said, “I seek but the pleasure of Allah.” Through the following verses that were revealed, Allah indicated that Abu Bakr had succeeded in his undertaking:


“I warn you all of a fire blazing fiercely. None shall enter it except the most wretched, those who deny and turn away. However, the God-fearing will be saved from the fire, those who spend their wealth in order to purify themselves, who spend without seeking a reward in return. They seek only the counternance of their Lord, the Most High. Verily, soon they will be pleased.” (92: 14-21).


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