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Banu Hawazen petition the Prophet

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1206 2018/04/17 2025/02/02

Just as the spoils were about to be distributed, a delegation of Banu Hawazen, led by Zuhayr bin Sarad, called upon the Prophet and embraced Islam. Once they had taken the oath of allegiance, they brought up the subject of their families and property taken in battle: “Those who you have brought as captives are our mothers, sisters, and aunts, and they alone bring disgrace to peoples. O Prophet, we ask for your kindness and generosity. Free our women, for they come from the same tribe as she who suckled you when you were a baby.” The Prophet asked Banu Hawazen to choose between reclaiming their families and their property. “We treasure nothing more than our children and women,” they said. “We will not ask for the camels and goats.”


“Tomorrow,” the Prophet said, “When I have finished leading the noon prayer, stand before the people and announce that you have embraced Islam. Then ask for your families to be returned to you.” The next day the Hawazen followed the Prophet’s instructions, and the Prophet announced to the new Muslims, “Whatever was apportioned to me and Banu Abdul Muttalib is yours. I also recommend that others relinquish their captives to you.”


The Muhajireen and Ansar said, “Whatever share has been given to us we now give to the Prophet .” Three Bedouins, however, refused to part with their shares. Their names were Aqra bin Habis, Uyayna Hisn and Abbas bin Mardas. Seeing their reluctance to return their captives, the Prophet urged them, “The best thing to do is to return your captives, because whoever does so will receive six times the number he relinquishes from the very next booty Allah grants us.”


Uyayna bin Hisn was the only one of the three to refuse the Prophet’s request. Even after returning the captives each person was still left with either two camels or twenty goats. To each of these released captives, the Prophet gifted a Coptic sheet.

The Umrah of Je’rana


Once the Prophet had distributed the spoils, he put on his Ihraam and performed Umrah. This is known as the Umrah of Je’rana. After completing Umrah the Prophet returned to Madinah, reaching home in the last week of Dhul Qa’dah, 8 A.H.


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