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  3. The Expedition of Tabuk

The Expedition of Tabuk

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
2270 2018/04/17 2025/03/10

Finally, the Muslims were ready to make the long journey across the desert to Tabuk. The Prophet put Muhammad bin Maslama in charge of Madinah. Ali bin Abi Talib was left to look after the women and children. Abu Bakr Siddeeq carried the standard of the army. Zubayr carried the flag of the Muhajireen, Usayd bin Hudhayr carried the flag of the Aus, and Hubab bin Mundhir carried the flag of the Khazraj.

With 30,000 men, the Prophet set out for Tabuk on a Thursday, in the month of Rajab, 9 A.H. There were so few camels that eighteen men rode each one in turn. The also had so little food that they had to eat leaves which made their lips swell. In spite of the scarcity of camels, they were forced to slaughter some of them so that they could drink water from their stomachs and intestines.


Back in Madinah, Ali grew impatient with the taunts of the Hypocrites, and he decided to leave Madinah and join the Prophet . When he finally caught up with the troops, the Prophet asked him, Are you not content, Ali, that you are to me as Haroon [Aaron] was to Musa, except that there will be no Prophet after me?”


The Muslim forces halted at Al-Hijr, the land of the Thamood. They were a nation to whom the Prophet Saleh was sent. Reckless in disbelief, the hamstrung a she-camel that Saleh declared to be one of Allah’s signs, thereby bringing down Allah’s wrath upon themselves. A mighty earthquake wiped them out, and only their deserted dwellings testified that they had once walked the earth. When the Prophet saw his men draw water from the wells in the area and prepare dough for bread, he asked them to pour the water taken from the wells and to feed the dough to the animals. Then he showed them the water Saleh’s camel used to drink from and told them to draw their water from there.


As the Muslims travelled through the bleak land of the rebellious Thamood, the Prophet bade his men heed the consequences of disobedience to Allah: “As you enter the houses of those who wronged themselves, fear that you may also meet the same fate that befell them.” The chastened Muslims covered their heads and walked swiftly across the valley.


The Prophet’s army reached Tabuk after a journey of about four hundred kilometres. There they met Abu Khaythama, one of the Muslims who had stayed behind in Madinah without a valid excuse. He explained that after the Prophet left Madinah, he entered his garden on a very hot day. Both his wives had sprinkled water around and brought him cold water and food. He then told his wives:


“When the Prophet is subjected to scorching heat, should I enjoy cool shade, water and the sweet company of beautiful women? This is not just! By Allah, I shall not enter my house until I meet the Prophet. Both of you prepare provisions for me.” His wives complied. The Abu Khaythama mounted his camel, took a sword and a spear, and set out in search of the Prophet .

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