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  3. Banu Tameem enter Islam

Banu Tameem enter Islam

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1433 2018/04/17 2025/03/10

In Muharram 9 A.H., the news reached Madinah that Banu Tameem were inciting various tribes to refuse to pay Jiziyah (a tax levied on non-Muslims living under Muslim rule), so the Prophet sent a squadron of fifty men under Uyayna bin Hisn Fazari to their stronghold. There in the desert, Uyayna captured eleven men from Banu Tameem and twenty-one of their women and children and brought them to Madinah.


A delegation of ten chieftains from Banu Tameem came hastily to Madinah. Conscious of their inability to match the Muslims military, the chieftains asked for a poetry contest to determine whose poets had the most eloquent speech. The challenge was accepted. Atarad bin Hajib of the Banu Tameem delivered a speech. He was answered by Thabit bin Qays from the Muslim side. Then Banu Tameem sent their poet Zabargan bin Badr to recite some verses. The Muslim poet Hassan bin Thabit countered with a recitation of his own poetry until Banu Tameem finally conceded defeat. So moved were they by what they had heard from Hassan bin Thabit that they embraced Islam. The Prophet then returned their captives and sent them home with gifts for their people. In this way, one more abdurate enemy melted before the sublime truth of Islam.

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