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  3. The Prophet is welcomed back

The Prophet is welcomed back

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1484 2018/04/17 2025/03/08

Weary but high spirited, the Muslim army approached Madinah at last. The Prophet , upon seeing the city in the distance, pointed to the familiar landmarks and said, “This is Taba, and that is Uhud, the mountain that loves me and that in turn love.” When the people of Madinah heard that the Prophet was approaching, the women and children rushed out of their homes in welcome, singing what they had sung nearly ten years ago when he came to them seeking a new home:


“The full moon has risen upon us from Thaniyat Al-Wada. We owe thanks as long as the caller continues to call us.” The Prophet then went to the mosque and prayed two Rak’ah, after which he sat in the mosque and received people. He had been away from Madinah for fifty days, and everyone wanted to welcome him back.


The case of those who stayed behind


The Hypocrites who had stayed behind came to the Prophet to repeat their excuses. He did not criticise them, confident that Allah would deal with them. Three Muslims had also failed to join the Tabuk expedition. They were Ka’b bin Malik, Murra bin Rabi’ and Hilaal bin Umayya. Since they were able-bodied men, their decision not to participate in Jihad was a serious matter. The Prophet asked them to await Allah’s decision on the matter. In the meantime, the Prophet forbade other Muslims from speaking with them.


As they awaited Allah’s verdict in the solitude of their homes, these three men suffered tremendously. They felt engulfed by darkness, and their souls were in deep distress. After forty days had passed, the Prophet ordered the three men not to sleep with their wives. Finally, after fifty days, Allah accepted their repentance, and the following verse was revealed: “And (Allah has forgiven) those three who did not join (the Tabuk expedition. While they waited for Allah’s decision), the world closed in on them and they became dejected. Then they realised that refuge lies only with Allah, and then He forgave them so that they would repent. Indeed Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (9: 118).


This verse was received with great celebration. The world opened up again for the three men who had been shunned by their fellow Muslims. Everyone congratulated the men, and they gave charity to show their thankfulness.


Other verses were revealed concerning the Hypocrites and their show of faith. The verses described them and others like them as being diseased in their hearts, and although they were shown signs once or twice yearly, they did not repent, nor did they even contemplate the meaning of the signs.


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