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  3. Expedition against Banu Qaynuqa

Expedition against Banu Qaynuqa

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1891 2018/04/15 2025/02/02

Even though the victory at Badr was decisive, it did not spell a reprieve for the Muslims. In fact, each tribe among the pagans and the Jews took it upon itself to keep up the pressure by harassing the Muslim state. The Jews of Banu Qaynuqa engaged in openly hostile acts, and when the Prophet called on them to refrain, they retorted derisively, “Do not delude yourself, Muhammad, just because some native fools and simpletons have entered your fold. Should you ever fight against us, you will test our mettle as men of valour.” The Prophet responded with his customary patience, which brought forth even more provocation from Banu Qaynuqa.

Banu Qaynuqa started a clash in the market place which resulted in the death of a Muslim and a Jew. This time the Prophet dealt with them firmly. He ordered the Muslims to besiege the enemy. It was Saturday, the middle of Shawwal, 2 A.H. After holding out a fortnight, Banu Qaynuqa laid down their arms on the night of the new moon of Dhul Qa’dah. The Prophet expelled them, driving them towards Adhrat in Syria, where most of them died shortly afterwards.


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