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  3. Hadith 12: O Allah! l love him, so please love him and love those who love him

Hadith 12: O Allah! l love him, so please love him and love those who love him

Under category : Ponder on a Hadith
1850 2021/01/18 2025/03/12
Article translated to : العربية Español

Abu Huraira reported: I went along with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) at a time during the day but he did not talk to me and I did not talk to him until he reached the market of Bani Qainuqa`. He came back to the household of Fatima and said: Is the little chap (meaning al-Hasan) there? Is the little chap there? We were under the impression that his mother had detained him in order to bathe and dress him and garland him with a sweet garland. Not much time had passed that he (al-Hasan) came running (in al-Bukhari’s narration he came with a necklace (of beads) around his neck) until both of them embraced each other, thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "O Allah! l love him, so please love him and love those who love him." (In al-Bukhari’s narration, Abu Hurirah said: Since Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that, nothing has been dearer to me than Al-Hasan.)


Characteristics of the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, and his family:1. The humbleness of the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, as He personally went to the market.

2. The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, used to go to the market to observe the people and teach them the Islamic rulings of transactions.

3. The Prophet (PBUH) used to walk with His companions without any guards or entourage.

4. The Prophet (PBUH) sat humbly in the house (tent) of Faimah, without having a certain seat or place.

5. His love and kindness towards children.

6. His humbleness and openness by telling how he feels towards his family members such as the wife, daughters or offspring. He did not shy away from telling how he felt.

7. The status of al-Hassan ibn Ali, may Allah be pleased of him and his parents, as the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, said that he will enter Paradise. He is the fifth Righteous Caliph, and Allah spared the blood of many Muslims because of him.

8. Worshipping Allah by loving the family of the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, in general and at every time and place, that means honoring them and respecting their status without any exaggeration.

9. Loving the family of the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, is a reason to be loved by Almighty Allah. Whoever loves them, Allah loves him, as ascertained by the supplication of the Prophet, PBUH.

10. Conversely, the opposite is also true, whoever hates the family of the Prophet; Peace Be upon Him, His wives, or any of His offspring, Allah hates him.

Juristic Values

It permissible that children wear necklaces as an accessory, but not as an amulet.

It is recommended to tell whom you love that you love him.

It is permissible to embrace (hug).

The Muslim’s ruler has to observe the transactions at markets and commercial places in order to regulate them and keep them according to the Islamic laws. This is historically known as the job of al-Muhtasib.

The Muslim ruler has to check the conditions of his people and their needs, or delegate a person to do that for him.

It is permissible to call the places after those who inhibit them, even if they were disbelievers, and to keep that name even after they leave, as long as it is not conflicting with the Shariah, such as calling the marketplace Bani Qainuqa`.

Educational Values:

Cleaning, beautifying and putting perfume for children, whether boys or girls, especially if some family members and friends are visiting, this creates an atmosphere of cheerfulness for the children as the elders welcome them.

Supplicating to Allah to protect the offspring and telling them that they are loved, praying to Almighty Allah to love them and make people love them.

Embracing the young children and making them used to that, as an act of mercy and love, this gives them a feeling of security and peacefulness, and enhances the psychological balance for the child.

It is possible to adjust conduct and feelings; Abu Hurirah said that nothing has been dearer to him than Al-Hasan right after the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) said that about his grandchild.

Generic Values:

The companions honored Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him): Abu Hurirah did not start talking to the Messenger when he found that the Messenger did not start talking.

When a group of people do not talk while walking on the road, this does not mean they are in a conflict or disputing.

For every situation there is a proper saying or words, and for every person, there is a suitable way of talking, whatever endearing words said to the child should not be said to the adult, otherwise it would be considered an insult.

Playing with children and pampering them does not contradict with honor and dignity.

Abu Hurirah had a special status for staying close to Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, as he used to accompany Allah’s Messenger, PBUH, even in his family visits.

Islam honors women, he has made them the ladies and queens of their households. The house where Fatimah resided is attributed to her, even though it belonged to her husband.

The Companions of Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, were keen to follow whatever He said or did. Abu Hurirah said: “Since Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that, nothing has been dearer to me than Al-Hasan.”

Repeating the question to make sure it reached the one asked (Is the little chap there, is the little chap there)

The life of the caller to Islam should be balanced, he should not keep himself busy with the call or his activity all the time, and abandon his own family, as they deserve his call and knowledge the most.

Linguistic Values:

The Arabic verb used “Thanana” implies certainty in that context.

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