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  3. Hadith 14: No woman among you who has lost…

Hadith 14: No woman among you who has lost…

Under category : Ponder on a Hadith
948 2021/01/31 2025/03/12
Article translated to : Español العربية

Narrated Abu Sa'id: A woman came to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Men (only) benefit by your teachings, so please devote to us from (some of) your time, a day on which we may come to you so that you may teach us of what Allah has taught you." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Gather on such-and-such a day at such - and- such a place." They gathered and Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came to them and taught them of what Allah had taught him. He then said, "No woman among you who has lost her three children (died) but that they will screen her from the Fire." A woman among them said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! If she lost two children?" She repeated her question twice, whereupon the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Even two, even two, even two!" (See Hadith No. 341, Vol. 2)


Values related to Patience and Ihtisab:

1. The reward is as big as the trial, losing the son is such a great pain and tribulation, and this is why the reward is great which is distancing and protection from the hellfire.

2. Ihtisab during tribulations (patience, seeking and anticipating the reward) is a condition to change patience as a natural conduct to an act of worship and a conduct that the person is rewarded for.

3. Losing a child is a reason to enter Paradise, provided patience, contentment and Ihtisab.

4. Our Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, is the most beloved and valued human to Almighty Allah, lost three of his daughters from Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, in his lifetime. He also lost two or three sons who did not reach the age of puberty, and he lost his son Ibrahim, from Maria, near the end of his life. He was in great pain and cried for losing them, but He was also a role model in contentment and Ihtisab.

5. Some scholars see that the reward is for losing any child in general, even if they were adults, because losing an older child is more tragic and painful especially as the parents have become older and it is more difficult for them to have children. Scholars explained that the hadith draws the attention to the smallest then to the biggest, i.e. losing the young child is less fortunate than losing an adult one.

6. Giving glad tidings in the hadith includes the fathers and mothers, in another narration it is mentioned “Any Muslim who loses…”

7. Whoever loses an insane child and he passed the age of puberty, that child is included in the good omen, because he is not accountable even though he has reached puberty. He is considered a minor exactly like young children.

Values on Educating Women:

1. It is permissible and recommended that women seek religious education as shown in the hadith, and other kinds of knowledge as proven in other sources.

2. It is permissible that men teach women the religious sciences if there are no women available to teach, or if men have certain knowledge not available for women, and vice versa, provided paying attention to the Islamic guidelines such as banning the free mixing between men and women.

3. Women has religious and living needs such as men, so attention should be paid to educating women.

4. "Gather on such-and-such a day at such and- such a place." The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, defined a certain day so that they become ready so the religious advice is stronger and more effective, because what is gained by exerting effort is not as what is gained easily.

5. Bashfulness did not stop the Sahabyat from learning the religious matters.

Juristic Values:

1. A woman’s voice is not Awrah.

2. It is allowed for women to talk with men, for an interest or need.

3. There should be no free mixing between men and women, unless for a need or a value.

Aqeedah Values:

The offspring of Muslims shall be in Paradise because Allah forgives their fathers due to His mercy. Paradise is more deserving to children who have not reached the age of accountability.

2. The humanity of Allah’s Messenger is revealed in the need to be taught everything He delivered to the people by Almighty Allah: “Nor does he speak of his own whims” (Quran: 53: 3)

3. The revelation is sent down to the Prophet to answer questions, this is why al-Bukhari listed this hadith in a chapter titled ‘The Prophet, PBUH, Teaching the Men and Women of His Ummah, of What Allah Taught Him, Not an Opinion or Representation’. This is reflected in the woman asking the Prophet, PBUH, thrice, and the Prophet did not answer until Allah revealed to him the reply.

Educational Values:

1. Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, used to teach the Sahabah continuously.

2. If the scholar teaches others about Allah and His Messenger, he should first teach them texts, not his opinion or assessment.

3. It is recommended to gather to seek knowledge.

4. When the scholar goes to the student, this does not decrease the status of the scholar or knowledge.

5. It is allowed and recommended to set certain days to seek knowledge and acknowledge others of the sessions to attend.

6. It is allowed to single out a certain group and educate them, Bukhari listed a chapter under the Book of Knowledge titled “Chapter: Should a day be fixed for women in order to teach them religion (apart from men)?”

Generic Values:

1. The value of a good initiation: the question of the woman is the reason for many women and men to learn the glad tidings delivered by Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him.

2. “Three of her children”: This statement is a proof that it is recommended to have many children, three children is the beginning number of having many children. Whoever lost three children has probably more of them, or they seek to have more children other than the three.

3. The good righteous offspring is a blessing and help in this life and a screen from hell on the Day of Resurrection.

4. Mainly, women should stay at home, but it is allowed for them to go out for a need or reason, unlike men who go out a lot and this is why they stay longer with Allah’s Messenger and listen to his teachings a lot more.

Dawah Values:

1. Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, considered the condition of the one He addressed; He treated people with decency without any admonishment or mockery. When the woman repeated the word “And two, and two” the Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, answered her the same way patiently, even though it was enough for him to answer one time.

Linguistic Values:

Al-walad (the offspring) is used for the male and the female, and also it can be used as a singular or plural.

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