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  3. Add value to the environment:

Add value to the environment:

Under category : Muhammad Pocket Guide
450 2022/07/26 2025/03/05

Add value to the environment:

Muhammad encouraged people to continuously add value to the environment even if the whole universe were collapsing and life were ending on this planet. He said:

”If the Hour came (i.e. the end of the life on the earth) and someone had a seedling in his hand and he were able to plant it, then let him do it.(Musnad Ahmad, 5/2727, 13100)

Believers in God are required to add value to the environment and protect it. God does not like those who cause mischief (on the earth) and destroy the crops and cattle.

“And seek the dwelling of the Hereafter and don’t forget your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world and do good as Allah has been good to you and seek no mischief in the land, Verily Allah does not like those who cause mischief .”

The Quran, 28:77

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