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  2. Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality
  3. Hadeeth 32: Devotion to the Religion of Islaam

Hadeeth 32: Devotion to the Religion of Islaam

4944 2008/02/13 2025/03/12
from ka'b ibn maalik al-ansaaree (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that allaah's messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said:

two hungry wolves let loose amongst sheep will not cause more harm to them than a persons craving after wealth and status will do to his religion.[52]

so flee, may allaah have mercy upon you, from this mad craving after this world and its finery, and there is no salvation from that which has been destined for a person.

[author's text abridged hereafter]

so he who wishes for salvation then let it be the case that his desire for his religion is his foundation and guiding principle, if this is so then allaah will protect him and protect his religion. then from the comprehensive matters that should be known is:


52.reported by ahmad and others

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