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  3. Methods of Education : Benefiting from Modern Science and New Inventions

Methods of Education : Benefiting from Modern Science and New Inventions

5616 2010/04/08 2025/03/14
Article translated to : العربية Español

methods of education :

benefiting from modern science and new inventions

modern inventions are part of raising children and educating grownups. the dangers of these inventions are transferring and admitting some habits, traditions and beliefs into our homes that are not approved by islam and the muslim community ([1]). these modern tools affect children greatly because they sit for long hours in front of them or they use them and they receive teachings that might not always agree with our islamic beliefs. unfortunately, children sit and accept these teachings as they are in the mood for receiving and embracing what they see ([2]) on the screens of any modern invention such as personal computers, satellite channels and video games.



television is one of the most important inventions nowadays. some improper content aired on tv channels prompts parents to get rid of tvs or they do not allow their children to watch them. if they don’t have a television at home, they even might not buy one because they do not want children to watch any adult content or programs that might negatively affect them. yet, if the television is in the house and children are so attached to it, then there should be other alternatives for children such as picnics, swimming pools, useful games and bikes if there is a place for them. we can also enroll children in rings of teaching and memorizing qur’an. if television is important for the family and it has to be in the house, then the parent should turn it into an educational method by using it to screen useful video games, provided that parents are firm in setting the time and choosing the valuable tapes and content for children ([3]).



(1) computers: they activate the brain, boost self-confidence, independence and competition. they are characterized by these positive values because children use computers they way they decide or prefer, they do not just receive the content such as the case with televisions and videos ([4]). the usage of computers should be mainly for education and awareness purposes. through computers, children learn to write, store and watch educational competitions and read encyclopedias. they can also learn painting, designing and countless skills. yet, we should be careful not to let children spend most of their time in front of computers to protect their health ([5]) and to avoid wasting our children’s time and energy in games and useless computer activities ([6]).



(2) the video: it more flexible and controllable than television in terms of the content and times of watching. it can be a source of great danger if it is not monitored by parents or if it is overused. parents should choose the right educational video tapes for their children and be firm in setting the suitable time for the child to watch ([7]). this way parents will be sure that their children are not going to see anything abusive on video sets.



(3) the recorder: the most important usage of recorders is to play qur’an tapes to raise children on listening to recitations of the qur’an since a young age. children get affected by what they listen to, if they listen to qur’an they will realize the meaning and memorize a lot of verses because they have very sharp memories. also, playing educational tapes, anasheed (islamic vocal music) and useful stories to children is very important usage of recorders.



(4) educational tools: they are used in the education process and they can help parents and educators in teaching children. they should be aware of the most recent educational tools and methods through magazines, books and institutions ([9]). these tools should be diverse, clear, interesting and suitable to all ages of children ([10]). some of these tools are visual like boards that teach principles, manners and ethics, pictures of holy lands, museums that show the glories and victories of the nations, useful comics, children books and picture books. they are some of the visual tools for education, in addition to video and audio multimedia tools.


([1]) akhlaq al muslim by mohamed said mubaid, page: 9.

([2]) abna'ouna bain was'el al ilam and akhlaq al islam by mona haddad, page: 108

([3]) daur al bait fi tarbiyat al tifl al muslim by khalid al shantout, page: 124-125, mas'ouliyt al abb al muslim fi tarbiyat al walad by adnan baharith, page: 505-507.

([4]) daur al bait fi tarbiyat al tifl al muslim by khalid al shantout, page: 171-172.

([5]) mas'ouliyt al abb al muslim fi tarbiyat al walad by adnan baharith, page: 505-507.

([6]) barnamaj amaly litarbiyat al usra al muslimah by aminah al yaheya, page: 24.

([7]) al atfal wa al shasha al saghira by adnan baharith, page 31-32.

([8]) khamsa wa arba'oun nasiha ilah al beyout by mohamed al monjid, page 25-28.

([9]) kaifa nastakhdem al was'el al ta'limeyah by jamaiat talem al kibar (association of teaching grownups), page: 58.

([10]) al was'el al ta'limeyah by abdel mohssen abanamy, page: 77-78.

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