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  3. Characteristics & Properties of the Prophet's Biography

Characteristics & Properties of the Prophet's Biography

Auther : Yehya Ibrahim ElYehya
68766 2007/11/01 2025/03/31

Characteristics & Properties of the Prophet's Biography 



First: it is well known and recorded and none of it is obscure or hidden. Islamic scholars throughout history have written various books in each and every aspect of the prophet's biography separately including all its details to an extent that enables every Muslim to read his biography (pbuh) to live it to the utmost as a result of its clarity & comprehensiveness. 

 A detail of this will be mentioned later in the sources of the prophet's (pbuh) biography. One has to know that the number of the prophet's biography books compiled in Urdu, which is considered a new language, is more than thousand books. The number of books compiled during the same century, 13th, in European languages is above 1300 books. 

Second: it is characterized by truthfulness & honesty in its reporting, for it had been subjected, similar to Hadith, to all kinds of thorough examination, inspection, comparison and verification of narrators and distinguishing the authentic and the weak of it. Hence, his biography (pbuh) is the most authentic biography reported to humanity. 

Third: his eternal call (pbuh) is for all creatures. His biography (pbuh) is a model for all humanity for it has equalized between the common and the nobles. It is a biography that all people can benefit from whether they are adults or children, for they are all equal in front of the almighty Allah.

Forth: the universality of the call and its pillar:

Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said "prophets used to be sent to their people in particular and i was sent to all humanity". 

-Humanity is always looking forward an ideal to follow and no biography, of a great man or prophet, is as famous and comprehensive as his biography (pbuh). 

-Any religion that is not based on two main pillars, the rights of Allah and those of people, cannot save humanity and lead it to righteousness, survival, happiness and perfection. 

Religions now are divided into two main categories:

-Those who have no indication of the almighty Allah at all like buddhism and chinese religions.

- Those who believe in the existence of Allah, but do not guide to the way that one can follow to know how to worship Allah or how to know and describe him, and do not provide any means for the incarnation of such belief. 
But concerning the rights of human beings, you won’t find when  searching through all religions such detailed pictures of family life and social relations, or even political, international & economical aspects, as those provided by Islam & the biography of Allah's Messenger (pbuh). 

The Prophet's manners in his biography:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not live his life among his companions and friends; on the contrary he lived most of it among his bitter enemies, the polytheists. In his last years even though he had jewish hypocrite neighbors, they were unable to accuse him of any shortcoming in his behavior or honesty despite of their hard search for one.

The people of Makkah used to give him bad titles, but they could never defame him or desecrate his honor despite of their spending their money and souls to cause him hardship.  The almighty Allah said: " we know indeed the grief which their words cause you .it is not you that they deny, but it is the verses (the Qur’ân) of Allâh that the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers) deny". Al-Ana'am 33. 

Narrated by al-Bukhari, Ibn Abbas reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) went up al-Safa hill to deliver his call and said:"o people of Makkah; if i told you that there is an army in the valley that wants to attack you, would you believe me? They replied: of course we will, we have always known you to be truthful and honest". 

Fifth: its clarity and comprehensiveness of all life aspects:
Allah's messenger (pbuh) had lived among his companions and married nine women and he ordered that his sayings and deeds must be reported to the whole world, he said "i ask Allah to make anyone who reports anything i say as it is, to make his face beautiful and shiny". He also said "narrate from me, even if it is one verse". He never traveled alone and he never stayed away from people and he (pbuh) said "a narrator may be of more understanding than someone who hears directly". His companions worked together to narrate to us everything about him, some of them had devoted themselves for narration and following up: such as the people of As-Soffa. 

They have described how he stands up and sit down, how he sleeps, and how he laughs and smile, the right way in bathing and ablution, how he drinks and eats and what are his favorite food. They have described him as if you see him to the extent that they described the white hairs in his head and beard. One can find wonders of such comprehensiveness and deep details just by having a glimpse on any of his biography books (pbuh). 

Sixth: in its essence and generality it didn't go beyond human ability, so it didn't rely on marvels, and its aspects didn’t depend on fabulous miracles, but it's easy to know and to be applied and followed because it is not difficult to be applied. 




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