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  2. Why do we Study the Prophet’s Biography?
  3. The Jurisprudence of the Prophet's Biography

The Jurisprudence of the Prophet's Biography

Auther : Yehya Ibrahim ElYehya
47316 2007/11/01 2025/03/11

 The Jurisprudence of the Prophet's Biography



The purpose of studying the jurisprudence biography of the messenger (pbuh) is not just studying of the historical facts or telling funny and exciting stories or incidents.


So we should not consider studying the jurisprudence biography of the messenger (pbuh) a kind of historical study like other studies of the ancient eras or like the studies of the biographies of the caliphs, because the purpose of studying the jurisprudence biography of Muhammad (pbuh) is to enable Muslims understanding the reality of Islam throughout the life of the prophet after understanding the principles and rules of Islam as an abstract model in his mind.


So studying the jurisprudence biography of the messenger (pbuh) is nothing but a practical action that purposes to embody the perfect reality of Islam in its highest model “Muhammad” (pbuh).



If we want to divide and classify this purpose, we can point it in these following specific targets:



1- Understanding the personality of Muhammad the messenger throughout his life and conditions he lived in to make sure that Muhammad (pbuh) was not enabled from taking the lead of his people by his own genius, but he was the messenger who was supported by the inspiration and care given by the almighty Allah.


2- To make everyone able to find his highest model in all life details to regulate his life, and there won’t be anyone higher as a model than the Muhammad (pbuh) as Allah made of him the role model for all human beings:” indeed in the messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the meeting with) Allah and the last day and remembers Allah much.".)Al-Ahzab:21)


3-studying the prophet’s biography helps people to understand the Quran as there are many verses interpreted by reading the conditions around the messenger and his reactions in return.


4- Reading and studying the biography of Muhammad (pbuh) helps Muslims to gain a large amount of   knowledge and Islamic information whether this information is about religion, rules of Islam or manners. This (biography) is the best symbol of the principles and rules of Islam.


5-We can elicit all the five targets from the prophet’s life and biography because during his life he passed through all the human and social experiences which we can find in any independent person or any active member in society.



His life (pbuh) sets the perfect role model for the straight young man in his honest manners with his people and friends, and sets also the wonderful role model for the person who calls for Allah gently and wisely and does his best just for fulfilling his message, and sets an example of the genius leader who deals with conditions intelligently and wisely.


He also sets the highest role model for the ideal husband and kind father in his gentle manners. He sets also the role model for the genius commander, honest wise politician and the Muslim who combines accurately between the duties of his worship and his gentle funny dealings with his family and friends.



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