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Did Muhammad write the Quran? Did he plagiarize the Bible? Part II

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3235 2012/10/07 2025/01/21

Did Muhammad write the Quran? Did he

plagiarize the Bible? Part II




Fifth, a good portion of the Qur’an includes

stories of previous Prophets and their nations.

Always, the concluding remark is that the Prophet

had no previous knowledge of any of those stories

or historical events, and that he only knew of them

through revelation, for example:


  • • After relating the story of Moses and Pharaoh

the Qur’an states: “You were not (there, O

Prophet,) on the western mountainside (of

Tur) when We decreed to Moses the

Commandments. Nor were you (there among

those) of the Children of Israel who bore

witness (to these events). Furthermore, We

brought forth (many) generations (after

Moses), such that the life spans (of

heedlessness) that stretched over them grew

(so very) long – (until they forgot God’s

Covenant). Moreover, you were not (there

with Moses when he was) dwelling among the

people of Midian, conveying Our message

unto them…” (28:44-45)


  • • The Qur’an also states after the story of Jesus

and Mary: “This account of something that

was beyond the reach of your perception We

[now] reveal unto you: for you were not with

them when they drew lots as to which of them

should be Mary's guardian, and you were not

with them when they contended [about it]

with one another.” (3:44)


  • • It also states after the story of Joseph: “This is

(but one) of the tidings of the unseen (past)

that We reveal to you, (O Prophet). For you

were not with them when they resolved (to

execute) their (evil) affair, and while they were

plotting (it).” (12:102)


Verses like the above appear routinely after

the stories in the Qur’an. Thus, if the Prophet had

learned these stories from Jews and Christians, why

should he ascribe them to God? Is he such a

blatant liar?



Sixth, the Qur’an severely criticized the

Prophet on several issues:


  • • The Prophet was once sitting with some of

the leaders of Quraysh, inviting them to Islam.

A blind man, Abdullah bin Umm Makhtum,

who was already a Muslim, came to the

Prophet to ask him some questions regarding

Islam. The Prophet ignored him, as he was

busy delivering the message of Islam to the

leaders of Quraysh, hoping they would come

to Islam. Thereupon the revelation came

reproaching and reprimanding him: “He

frowned and turned away because the blind

man approached him. Yet for all you did

know (O Muhammad) he might perhaps have

grown in purity?” (80:1-3).




  • • The Prophet used to love to eat honey. Once

he refused to consume any honey after his

wives discouraged him to do so, as a result of

a quarrel they were having among themselves.

God again reproached and reprimanded him:

“O Prophet! Why do you, out of a desire to

please [one or another of] your wives impose

[on yourself] a prohibition of something that

God has made lawful to you?” (66:1).


  • • At the time of the battle of Tabuk, some

hypocrites came and asked the Prophet to

excuse them from participating in the

campaign. The merciful Prophet accepted

their excuse. Thereupon revelation came

down upon him again reproaching and

reprimanding him: “May God pardon you (O

Prophet)! Why did you grant them permission

(to stay at home) before it had become

obvious to you as to who was speaking truth

and (before) you came to know (who were)

the liars” (9:43).



There are many other incidents in which the

Prophet was reproached and reprimanded by God.

The logical question here is why would the Prophet

make up these verses? Even if someone had

revealed these verses to him, why would he retain

them while having a firm belief that these verses

will be recited and read throughout the ages? The

logical and factual answer is that these are not the

words of the Prophet, and he is not the author of

the Qur’an.



Seventh, one of the major themes of the

Qur’an is that the source of the Qur’an is God

Himself. The Prophet did not have any right to

add or subtract from what had been revealed:

If he (Muhammad) had dared to attribute

some of (his own) sayings unto Us, we would

indeed have seized him by his right hand and

would indeed have cut his life-vein.” (69:44-



If the Prophet was really the author of the

Qur’an, why did he have to state these words?

Was he a sheer liar to the extent that he both

concocted the Qur’an and devised threats against

himself? History and logic would refute this

claim, especially since the Prophet was known

never to have uttered a lie in his whole life. Before

Prophethood, even the pagan idolaters attested to

his truthfulness, and he was known as the

“Trustworthy” and“Truthful” .Are we to believe

that suddenly, at the age of 40, the Prophet not

only began to utter a long string of lies but that

these lies were against God Himself? Simply







Ten Questions and Answers

about the Prophet Muhammad

May the Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon Him

By Ibrahim H. Malabari



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