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The teachings of the Prophet (pbuh)on the call to prayer

Under category : Sunna in our Lives
4445 2012/10/16 2025/03/10

The teachings of the Prophet (pbuh)on the call to prayer [1]  


- The Prophet (pbuh) he made the adhan[2] with and without repetition of phrases. Also pronounced the iqaamah[3] once or twice repeating phrases, with the exception of the phrase "Qad qamat-salaah ' (the prayer has been established) that always said it twice.  


- He taught that one who hears the adhaan should be repeated phrases that you hear except for the phrase "Haiia ' alas-salah" and "Hayya ' alal-falah", where it should say: "La hawla wa quwwata illa billaah" (no power and no strength except with Allaah)." "


- Also said: "whoever hears the adhaan and says: 'Ash-hadu anla ilaaha ill-Allaah wa anna Muhammadan mu'ath." "Raditu billaahi rabban, wa bil-Islami dinan bi Muhammadin wa rasulan' (I bear witness that there is no God except Allaah, single, no partners with him, and that Muhammad is his slave and his Messenger, pleasure of Allah as Lord, and Muhammad as a Messenger-) their sins forgiven shall '.


- That you must invoke blessings upon the Prophet after repeating the phrases of the adhaan, (pbuh) saying: "Allaahumma rabba hadhihid - da 'watit-taamma was-salaatil-qaa' imati, aati Muhammadan to Al-wasilata wal-fadhilata, wab'ath-hu maqaaman mahmudan wa 'adtah' alladhi (" Oh Lord!")" (Lord of this perfect call, and this established prayer, Muhammad al-Wasila (a station of Paradise) granted wal-Fadila (range above the rest of creation), and grant us his intercession that you've promised him)


- And that the du'aa's between the adhaan and iqaamah are never rejected by Allaah.






[1] Zadul-Ma'ad (2/355)

[2] The call to announce the start of a prayer hours.

[3] El Segundo called to announce the beginning of the same sentence.




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