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  3. Argument and quibbling (2)

Argument and quibbling (2)

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1412 2018/04/09 2025/03/10

Others argued that although Allah is the creator of the universe, it is impossible to reconstruct something once it has been destroyed. Allah refutes this argument, pointing out that it is easier to reconstruct and revive something than to create it from nothing: “Have We become exhausted after creating the universe once? Verily, they are confused about the next act of creation.” (50: 15)


Although the Quraysh considered Muhammad to be a truthful man, they had difficulty accepting him as a prophet and messenger of Allah. They believed that a mere man could not be entrusted with such a lofty office. When Muhammad proclaimed his Prophethood and Messengership, the Quraysh responded by saying: “What kind of Messenger is this that eats food and walks through the markets?” (25: 7).


Allah describes the confusion of the Quraysh in the next verse: “They marvel that a warner has arisen from among them.” (50: 2).


“Ask them: Who then revealed the Book that Moses brought, a source of light and guidance for mankind?” (6: 91).


Numerous parallels are mentioned in the Qur’an in which a nation refused to follow a prophet because he was of flesh and blood: “You are no more than a man like us.” (14: 10).


“True, we are men like you, but Allah gives His blessings to whomever He pleases.” (14: 11)


All of Allah’s prophets and messengers, then, were mere mortals, and Muhammad was no exception. Allah did not send angels as messengers because mortal would not be able to follow in the footsteps of a supernatural being. The role of Allah’s messengers was not only to communicate Allah’s message to mankind, but also to show mortals how to apply this divine message in an earthly, human setting. Who could perform such a task better than a mortal messenger could? If Allah had sent angels as messengers, the polytheists would have been justified in asking, “How can we imitate supernatural beings?” This divine wisdom is expressed in the following verse as well: “And had we sent him an angel, We would have given him the form of man. This would have confused them even more.” (6: 9).


Now, since the polytheists admitted that Ibraheem, Isma’eel and Musa (Peace be upon them all), were all prophets as well as men, they could no longer challenge Muhammad’s Prophethood arguing that he was human. Therefore, they then ridiculed the idea that Allah would appoint a once-destitute orphan as His prophet. Why would Allah pass over more dignified men of the Quraysh or Thaqf tribes? “Why was not this Qur’an revealed to someone of great importance from either (Makkah or Ta’if)?” (43: 31).


Allah’s reply to their question was succinct: “Will they determine how to distribute the Mercy of your Lord?” (43: 32).

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