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Events after Badr

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1138 2018/04/15 2025/03/10

The victory Allah granted the Muslims at Badr deeply grieved the pagans. Revenge was uppermost on their minds, and to this end they devised plans to inflict heavy losses on the Muslims. As events show us, Allah, however, turned the tables on the Quraysh and blessed the Muslims with further triumphs and even more prestige.

Just one week after the return from Badr, or after two and a half or three months according to some sources, Banu Sulaym began conscripting an army to invade Madinah. In a pre-emptive strike, the Muslims raided their base and came back with booty. Then Umayr bin Wahab Jumahi and Safwaan bin Umayya decided to assassinate the Prophet .


Umayr stole into Madinah, hoping to carry out his mission, but was apprehended as soon as he entered Madinah. Allah had revealed Umayr’s motives to the Prophet , who in turn disclosed Umayr’s plan to him. Umayr repented and became Muslim.

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