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Prayer of victory

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1343 2018/04/17 2025/03/10

At midmorning, the Prophet entered the house of his cousin, Umm Hani bint Abi Talib, where he bathed and prayed eight Rak’ah, in units of two each. In the same house cowered the two pagan brothers-in-law of Umm Hani. When Ali found out that his sister was shielding them, he immediately wanted to kill them, but Umm Hani went to the Prophet , who said to her, “I grant refuge to whomever you have given refuge.”


Bilal calls the Adhan from the Ka’bah


When it was time for Zuhr prayer, the Prophet asked Bilal to call the Adhan from the roof of the Ka’bah as a proclamation of the dominance of Islam. How pleasing to Muslim ears and how loathsome to the polytheists it was to hear the declaration of Allah’s supremacy in His Sacred Mosque.


The Prophet in Makkah

When the conquest of Makkah was complete, the Ansar grew worried that the Prophet would stay on in Makkah, home of his ancestors and his tribe. They expressed their concern to the Prophet as he stood with his hands raised in prayer on Mount Safa. After his prayer was over, he allayed their fears, “Allah forbid I should do so. I will live and die with you.”


The Prophet stayed for nineteen days in Makkah, during which period he obliterated every vestige of the Jahiliyah, the Age of Ignorance that preceded Islam. Makkah became an Islamic city. The Prophet erected pillars to demarcate the boundaries of the Sacred Mosque. Following this, a crier announced that whoever believed in Allah and the Hereafter was to destroy any idols that remained in his house.


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