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  3. The expedition of Hamra Al-Asad

The expedition of Hamra Al-Asad

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
2342 2018/04/15 2025/03/10

The very next morning, the Prophet sent a crier to announce that all those who had fought in the Battle of Uhud should prepare to pursue the enemy. Every Muslim who had fought at Uhud the day before followed the Prophet out of Madinah regardless of fatigue and injury. Thus they set out from Madinah and camped at Hamra Al-Asad, eight miles away.


The pagans were camped at Rawha, thirty-six miles from Madinah, holding a war council. Much recrimination was traded as the troops berated their leaders. Why had they squandered the advantage by not entering Madinah?


At this moment, the Muslim camp was also pondering strategy. Ma’bad bin Abi Sa’eed Khaza’i, who was a well-wisher of the Prophet , came to him at Hamra Al-Asad and commiserated about the events at Uhud. The Prophet asked him to approach Abu Sufyan and use scare tactics to head the pagans off. Ma’bad accordingly reached Rawha, where the mood was in favour of returning back to Madinah.


Ma’bad dismayed the pagans with his description of the ferocity of the Muslims and their extensive preparations for a new encounter. “Muhammad has come out with a horde the like of which I have never seen. They are intent on revenge, and their mood is terrifyingly bloodthirsty. I think you will soon spot their vanguard appearing from behind this hill.”


The ruse worked. The Makkan troops lost their bravado, and Abu Sufyan confined his response to a similar scare campaign. He decided to do some sabre rattling of his own. He instructed a caravan to scare the Muslims by saying that the Makkans were ready for another round. Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan and his soldiers hurried back to Makkah.


Having come close to defeat, the subdued Muslims who heard this warning were prepared to fight on. The threat of a renewed attack only stiffened their resolve. They responded by quoting the following verse:

The Hypocrites said, “Verily, the pagans have gathered against you, so fear them!” But this increased the Muslims in faith, and they replied, “Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best to determine our affairs.” (3: 173).


There was no further volley of threats, and the resulting claim is best described in the next verse: “Thus they returned with the blessings and favour of Allah. No evil touched them, and they sought nothing but Allah’s pleasure, and Allah is munificent beyond measure.” (3: 174).


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