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  3. Most Valuable Lessons from Kaifa Turabi Waladak (How to Raise your Child) Book

Most Valuable Lessons from Kaifa Turabi Waladak (How to Raise your Child) Book

9715 2010/05/28 2025/02/22
Article translated to : العربية Español

most valuable lessons from kaifa turabi waladak (how to raise your child) book

how to raise your child

we reached the end of kaifa turabi waladak (how to raise your child) book. we hope that these pages help parents and educators in their mission. we hope it achieves the target, but there are points that should be clarified such as:

(1) the parent/educator needs constant reading of education books, references and lectures.



(2) we should reform the society and protect children from negative influences by self-reform, calling to islam, the belief in allah and the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, to prepare the proper conditions for the next generations.



(3) each person should be wise and selective in the way he raises his child, as each child has special potentials. the parent is capable– by allah’s will – to take many steps to reform and protect his children.



(4) when parents are true and honest in their aim to raise their children to be righteous muslims, allah will lead them to the right path and bless their efforts. whoever asks allah for help and never gives up on his requests and prayers, indeed almighty allah will answer his prayers and give him much more than what he prayed for.



(5) this message is just guidelines and directions to help muslims raise their children. if we try to write a comprehensive study about education, it would be much longer. so, prudent parents who want to raise their children the best way should read more and learn more to reach their aim of being good parents to raise righteous children.



(6) treating our children is based on two foundations: prompting and applying, which means that we should apply what we teach or preach. for example, if a parent directs his child not to smoke, then he should not smoke too. so, prompting and applying cannot be separated as the child needs an honest role model to look up to.


at the end, we ask almighty allah to help us do what pleases him and achieve the best in the present life. all the praises and thanks be to allah, the lord of the 'alamin (i.e. mankind, jinns and all that exists).


references of “how to raise your child” book

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