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  2. How do we educate our Children?
  3. Raising Sick and Disabled Children and Adjusting Education Methods according to the Nature of the Illness

Raising Sick and Disabled Children and Adjusting Education Methods according to the Nature of the Illness

5896 2010/05/22 2025/02/09
Article translated to : العربية Español

raising sick and disabled children and adjusting education methods according to the nature of the illness

the sick child needs special education that is different than healthy children. the physically ill child differs from the psychologically ill and the chronically ill child is also different than the child who suffers from a sudden ailment.



(1) the sudden or unexpected illness affects the life of the child, especially if he has to be hospitalized for a while away from his home and family. his character, traits and habits are affected and also his mental and social development. to avoid the negative effects and damages on the child, his mother or one of his relatives should accompany him during his treatment in the hospital ([1]).



the psychological stability is so important for the child to have patience and courage. this can be achieved by inspiring him that the pain is mild so it will not harm him and that he is brave and can handle injections and bitter medicine ([2]). we should avoid asking the child about where it hurts him all the time and we should not show exaggerated feelings of sympathy and grief because showing these feelings may weaken the child and make him feel more ill. it is also advised to keep him occupied in playing and practicing a hobby that suits his condition ([3]). when the parent gives the sick child his medicine, he should give it to him with kindness and compassion, not by force ([4]). parents should never lie or claim that the medicine tastes sweet, while it is not ([5]). also, the parent should not continue pampering the child and be extensively lenient with him even after recovery, as the child might gain bad habits ([6]) during treatment, like when he requests for certain things and his parents fulfill his wishes because of his illness. for example, he might ask for a certain kind of food or something, and his parents respond to what he asks for to help him feel better during illness. but, if he feels better and his health improves, then parents should not continue in pampering him and answering all his requests such as sleeping in his mother’s arms or carrying him etc.



(2) the chronically ill or disabled child is majorly affected by his illness or disability. he becomes deprived of many educational opportunities because of his illness. he might feel despised or suffer from low self-esteem, so the parent/educator needs certain guidelines to follow while raising that child such as:


* respecting the child and looking at him with love and compassion. his family should make him feel special for his intelligence and talents, so that he does not feel small or worthless because of his illness or disability. everybody around him should treat him with respect and avoid mockery and insult because of his sensitivity ([7]).



* improving his health condition ([8]) and giving him proper treatment. we should admit him into a health institution or health center to take care of his case, if it is required to do so to improve his condition.



* correcting any negative behavior and helping him to adjust to society ([9]). his illness does not mean not to discipline him or correct him. we should be firm with him to amend any improper conduct, so that he/she grows up to be righteous and productive not spoiled and dependant.



* preparing him to learn a profession to earn his living, by utilizing and making use of his mental and physical capabilities and trying to develop his talents through encouragement and progression ([10]).



as for the psychologically or mentally ill child, his parent/educator needs certain instructions and guidelines by his psychiatrist to help him in dealing with the child, raising and educating him in a way that suits his condition.


([1]) al mushkilat al sulokiyah by nabeh al ghabrah, page: 199-200.

([2]) listen to: afkar wa tawgihat fi tarbiyat al sighar tape by mohamed ali dawish.

([3]) al mushkilat al sulokiyah by nabeh al ghabrah, page: 197.

([4]) al mushkilat al sulokiyah by nabeh al ghabrah, page: 196.

([5]) listen to: afkar wa tawgihat fi tarbiyat al sighar tape by mohamed ali dawish.

([6]) al mushkilat al sulokiyah by nabeh al ghabrah, page: 195.

([7]) tarbiyat al awlad fil islam by abdullah naseh elwan, 1/330.

([8]) kaifa nurabi tiflan by mohamed ziad hemdan, page: 10-12.

([9]) elm nafs al nemow by hamed zahran, page: 267, quoting from: kaifa turabi waladak al muslim by hamoud shaqir, page: 73-84.

([10]) kaifa nurabi tiflan by mohamed ziad hemdan, page: 10-12.

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