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  3. The Sunnahs of Praying at Night

The Sunnahs of Praying at Night

Under category : 1000 Sunnah per Day & Night
69557 2007/11/30 2025/03/09

 The prophet peace be upon him said: (the best time for fasting after ramadan is the month of moharram, and the best prayer after performing obligatory ones is the night prayer), narrated by muslim.


1-The best number (of raka's) for praying at night is eleven raka's (bows) or thirteen ones along the night because it is narrated that: (the prophet peace be upon him was praying eleven raka's bows (at night) and that was his usual prayer), narrated by al-bukhari.


in another narration, it is mentioned: (he was praying thirteen raka's …), narrated by al-bukhari.


2- It is sunnah when praying at night to use sewak and reciting the last verses of ali-imran from: {( 'inna fī khalqi as-samāwāti wa al-'arđi wa akhtilāfi al-layli wa an-nahāri la'āyātin li'wlī al-'albābi) i.e. (indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding)} (aal-imran: 190) until finishing this sura.


3- It is sunnah also to say the supplications of the prophet peace be upon him such as: (o allah, praise is to you. you are the light of the heavens and the earth and all that they contain. praise is to you, you are the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all they contain. praise is to you, you are the king of the heavens and the earth. you are the truth, your promise is true, your audience is true, your word is true, paradise is true, hell is true, the prophets are true).


4- It is sunnah also to start the prayer at night with two light raka's in order to become active and get ready to the following prayers. the prophet peace be upon him said: (if you start praying at night, then start prayer with two light raka's). narrated by muslim.



5- It is sunnah also to start the prayer at night by saying the following prophetic supplication: (o allah, lord of jibrail, mikail and israfil, maker of the heavens and the earth. knower of the unseen and the seen. you judge between your slaves regarding that in which they differ. guide me to the truth regarding that in which there is difference, by your leave. surely, you guide whomever you please to the straight path). narrated by muslim.


6-It is sunnah also to prolong the prayer, because the prophet peace be upon him was asked: what is the best prayer? he said: (the longer). narrated by muslim. the meaning of "longer" is prolonging standing in prayer.


7- It is sunnah also to ask refuge in allah the almighty when you recite a verse speaking about punishment, by saying [i seek refuge in allah from the punishment of allah], and to ask the mercy of allah when you recite a verse speaking about mercy, by saying: [o allah, i ask for your favor], and to glorify allah when you recite a verse exalting allah the almighty.


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