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  2. The Amazing Quran - By: Dr. Gary Miller
  3. A Mathematical Approach

A Mathematical Approach

4608 2010/10/18 2025/02/11
Article translated to : العربية Español

a mathematical approach


all of the examples so far given concerning the various

angles from which one can approach the quran have undoubtedly been subjective in nature; however, there

does exist another angle, among others, which is objective

and whose basis is mathematical.


it is surprising how authentic the quran becomes when

one assembles what might be referred to as a list of good guesses. mathematically, it can be explained using guessing and prediction examples. for instance, if a person has two choices (i.e., one is right, and one is wrong), and he closes his eyes and makes a choice, then

half of the time (i.e., one time out of two) he will be right. basically, he has a one in two chance, for he could pick the

wrong choice, or he could pick the right choice.


now if the same person has two situations like that (i.e., he

could be right or wrong about situation number one, and he could be right or wrong about situation number two), and he closes his eyes and guesses, then he will only be right one-fourth of the time (i.e., one time out of four). he now has a one in four chance because now there are three ways for him to be wrong and only one way for him to be right. in simple terms, he could make the wrong choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; or he could make the wrong choice



in situation number one and then make the right choice in

situation number two; or he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; or he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the right choice in situation number two.


of course, the (only instance in which he could be totally

right is the last scenario where he could guess correctly in both situations. the odds of his guessing completely correctly have become greater because the number of

situations for him to guess in have increased; and the

mathematical equation representing such a scenario is ½ x ½ (i.e., one time out of two for the first situation multiplied

by one time out of two for the second situation).


continuing on with the example, if the same person now

has three situations in which to make blind guesses, then he will only be right one-eighth of the time (i.e., one time out of eight or ½ x ½ x ½ ). again, the odds of choosing the correct choice in all three situations have decreased his chances of being completely correct to only one time in eight. it must be understood that as the number of situations increase, the chances of being right decrease, for

the two phenomena are inversely proportional.


now applying this example to the situations in the quran,

if one draws up a list of all of the subjects about which the quran has made correct statements, it becomes very clear

that it is highly unlikely that they were all just correct



blind guesses. indeed, the subjects discussed in the quran

are numerous, and thus the odds of someone just making

lucky guesses about all of them become practically nil. if

there are a million ways for the quran to be wrong, yet each time it is right, then it is unlikely that someone was guessing.


the following three examples of subjects about which the

quran has made correct statements collectively illustrate

how the quran continues to beat the odds.


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