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  3. The teachings of the Prophet ( pbuh ) on cleanness and ablution

The teachings of the Prophet ( pbuh ) on cleanness and ablution

Under category : Sunna in our Lives
3305 2012/10/16 2025/03/10

The teachings of the Prophet ( pbuh ) on cleanness and ablution [1]  


His teachings about going to the bathroom


- When entering the bathroom he used to say:


"Oh Allah, I seek refuge in you from the evil and the wicked " ". "[2]

And out he said: "I ask your forgiveness". [3]


- Usually urinated squatting.

- Sometimes it himself with water, sometimes with stones[4] and sometimes used both.

- Used his left hand to cleanse the Awrah.

- After oneself with water, rubbed his hands against the ground.

- When traveling, departed for their needs in order to hide from travel companions.

- Sometimes hid behind bushes and others behind palms.

- Selected the soft parts of the ground to urinate.

- Did not raise their garments when were down close to the ground.

- He did not speak or respond to greetings while you were performing their physiological needs.


His teachings on ablution (Wudhu') [5]


- Usually did wudoo ' for each prayer, although sometimes I could make many prayers with one ablution.

- For the ablution, used a measure[6] of water or two-thirds of it or sometimes slightly more.

- Used water for ablution with care and warned his followers of not wasting water.

- Used to wash their limbs sometimes once, sometimes two or three times, but never more than three times.

- Used to wash your mouth and nose with a coat of water and sometimes two or three, and washing your mouth and nose together.

- Used his right hand to take the water and his left hand to eject.

- Never made ablution without washing the mouth and nose.

- Used to wipe your entire head, often moving her hands for back and forth.

- When he rubbed his forehead, included his turban.

- Rubbed the internal and external parts of their ears with his head.

- Washing his feet when he was not wearing boots or stockings.

- Your ablution was in sequence and uninterruptible.

- Began his ablution saying "Bismillah" and concluded it: " I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger." "Oh Allah, make me of those who constantly repent and those who are purified continuously". [7] Also said: "Oh Allah, you are worthy of all glorification and praise." I bear witness that there is no God but you. I seek your forgiveness and I repent to You. "

- Neither he nor his companions said at the beginning: "My intention of removing impurity to say the prayer." [8]

- Never washed above the elbows and ankles.

- Was not his usual dry after ablution.

- Sometimes rubbed the water inside of your beard, but not always.

- Frequently washing between the toes, but not always.

- Did not expect someone spilled you water while doing the ablution; usually the same spilled it, but sometimes another would help.


His teachings about wiping over footwear [9]


- Authentic narratives indicate that the Prophet (pbuh) spent wiping over leather footwear to perform ablution, either to be resident or traveling. He specified a limit of one day and one night for residents, and three days and three nights for travelers.

- He used to wiping over the top of the shoes or socks. (Also pass a wet hand on the turban only or along with your forehead.)

- He was acting according to the condition of his feet: if I was wearing shoes or socks went wet hand over them, and if their feet were bare washed them.


His teachings about Tayammum [10]


- He used to do tayammum on the type of terrain on which he was praying, either dust, dirt or sand, and said: "wherever someone of my Ummah is when the sentence has to be done, he has his mosque and their source of purification". [11]

- He did not use to carry sand with him on long trips or ordered his companions to do.

- No real narrative shows he did a tayammum for prayer and ordered that this be done. He simply considered tayammum as a substitute for the ablution.

- Used to do tayammum by striking the floor with your hands once to then pass them both for the face like the hands. [12]







[1] Zadul-Ma'ad (1/163).

[2] Narrated by Al - Bukhaari and Muslim.

[3] Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah.

[4] Translator's Note: was the element that was used at the time for oneself. Now toilet paper serves the same function.

[5] Zadul-Ma'ad (1/184).

[6] Approximately one litre.

[7] At-Tirmidhî.

[8] Is to say that not pronounced the intention out loud.

[9] Zadul-Ma 'ad (1/192). This can be done instead of washing the feet for wudoo ', under the condition that shoes or stockings were made while he was in a State of ablution.

[10] Zadul-Ma 'ad (1/192). Tayammum is a substitute for ablution with water, using dry land for ritual purification when it is unable to use water.

[11] Narrated from Ahmad.

[12] Tayammum is limited to the face and hands and does not include the parts of the body are washed during ablution with water.




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