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  3. The Muslims in Makkah are freed

The Muslims in Makkah are freed

Under category : When the Moon Spilt
1056 2018/04/16 2025/02/01

The clan of Banu Khuzaa sided with the Prophet in the wake of the recent treaty and ultimately joined hands with the Muslims. They had been allies of the Banu Hashim (the Prophet’s clan) even during the Age of Ignorance, while Banu Bakr, their rivals, went to the side of the Quraysh and ultimately became the cause of the conquest of Makkah.


The Muslims who had been unable to leave Makkah continued to face persecution. One of them, Abu Baseer, escaped and headed straight for Madinah. The Quraysh sent two of their own men to the Prophet to demand his return, and the Prophet handed him over. At Adhul Hulayfa, Abu Baseer killed one of his captors, while the other, who escaped, reappeared before the Prophet saying, “My companion was killed, and I too am about to be killed.” Just then Abu Baseer arrived on the scene, and when the Prophet rebuked him, in fear of being sent back to the pagans, he fled and settled on the coast. Abu Jandal also escaped and joined Abu Baseer. Henceforth everyone who fled Makkah after embracing Islam joined Abu Baseer.


Eventually these Muslims formed a colony. With their new found strength, they began intercepting each and every trade caravan of the Quraysh en route to Syria, falling on them and seizing their goods and men. The Quraysh were so unnerved by this new stronghold of Muslims on their doorstep that they pleaded with the Prophet to call the band of Muslims to Madinah. The Quraysh, for their part, guaranteed that anybody going to the Muslim side would be left in peace. The Prophet asked the Muslims to come to Madinah, which they were happy to do.


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