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  2. 3-The Outward Appearance of the Prophet
  3. The Prophet (saas)'s external appearance and beauty

The Prophet (saas)'s external appearance and beauty

4690 2008/02/04 2025/02/05

his companions described the beauty of the prophet (saas) in these terms:

"the prophet (saas) had a most handsome constitution. some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moon…his nose was thin… his face was smooth…his beard was thick…his neck was the most beautiful…if the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold… the place between his shoulders was wide."67

anas bin malik (ra) says:

"the messenger of allah, was not excessively tall or short. he was not very pallid nor dark. he did not have curly hair or lank hair. allah commissioned him at the age of forty. he stayed in mecca ten years and at medina for ten years and allah the mighty, the majestic made him die when he was sixty. there were not twenty white hairs in his hair or beard, may allah bless him and grant him peace."68

text in which ali (ra) describes the physical and moral beauty and the perfect behavior of the prophet (saas), as well as the love and respect people feel for him.

"rasulullah (saas) was so clean, clear, beautiful and handsome."69

anas bin malik (ra) says:

"the prophet (saas) was neither tall nor short. he was handsome. his hair was neither delicate nor curly. he was neither very white, nor very brown."70
your friend is only allah and his messenger and those who believe.
(surat al-ma'ida: 55)

he is allah - there is no god but him. he is the knower of the unseen and the visible. he is the all-merciful, the most merciful.
(surat al-hashr: 22)

baraa bin aazib (ra) relates:

"i never saw someone more handsome than rasullullah. his hair reached his shoulders. the portion between his two shoulders was wide. he was neither very tall nor very short."71

ibrahim b. muhammed (ra), one of the grandsons of ali (ra), informs us:

"when ali (ra) described the prophet (saas) he said:

'he was neither very tall nor excessively short, but was a man of medium size. he had neither very curly nor flowing hair but a mixture of both... he was reddish-white, he had wide black eyes and long eyelashes. he had protruding joints and shoulder-blades… between his shoulders was the seal of prophecy... he had a finer chest than anyone else, was truer in utterance than anyone else, had the gentlest nature and the noblest lineage. those who saw him stood suddenly in awe of him and those who shared his acquaintance loved him. those who described him said they had never seen anyone like him before or since'."72

baraa bin aazib (ra) relates:

"i never saw someone more handsome than rasullullah. his hair reached his shoulders. the portion between his two shoulders was wide. he was neither very tall nor very short."71

ibrahim b. muhammed (ra), one of the grandsons of ali (ra), informs us:

"when ali (ra) described the prophet (saas) he said:

'he was neither very tall nor excessively short, but was a man of medium size. he had neither very curly nor flowing hair but a mixture of both... he was reddish-white, he had wide black eyes and long eyelashes. he had protruding joints and shoulder-blades… between his shoulders was the seal of prophecy... he had a finer chest than anyone else, was truer in utterance than anyone else, had the gentlest nature and the noblest lineage. those who saw him stood suddenly in awe of him and those who shared his acquaintance loved him. those who described him said they had never seen anyone like him before or since'."72

take a charity from their wealth to purify and cleanse them and pray for them. your prayers bring relief to them. allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
(surat at-tawba: 103)

umm ma'bad (ra), who was known for her generosity, uprightness and courage, was visited by the prophet (saas) during the prophet (saas)'s migration from mecca to medina, but failed to recognize him. however, she described him to her husband, who recognized the prophet (saas) from her description:

"he was innocently bright and had a broad countenance. his manners were fine... he had black attractive eyes... his hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. his voice was very commanding. his head was well formed and set on a slender neck. his expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. the stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him, than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. his expression was very sweet and distinct. his speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. his stature was neither too high nor too small. he was singularly bright and fresh. he was always surrounded by his companions. whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued a commandment, they vied with each other in carrying it out. he was a master and a commander."76

as we can discern from those who saw him in person, the prophet (saas) was extraordinarily handsome, with a finely proportioned body and a face that took one's breath away. he also had a very athletic and powerful build.


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